Chapter 39

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Caroline took the brownie from me before she cleared her throat and shifted on the cot. "What else can you pull out of there?" she asked while she took another bite of it, changing the subject. "I know that you said you can't do live animals, but could you possibly do meat?"

"I can try," I said and nodded in confirmation. I cleared my throat and shifted on the cot as well. "Do you want me to see if there is cooked meat or raw meat first?" I asked while I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Cooked," she replied. "What is your favorite cooked meat to eat?"

"Chicken," I said instantly. "Mom makes this fabulous chicken dinner, but I am not sure if it will be her chicken dinner that comes out of this stupid thing, but it will be chicken."

Caroline bit back a small laugh while she nodded. "Then can you do some cooked chicken?" she asked while she raised an eyebrow in question.

"Absolutely," I said while I nodded in confirmation before I handed her the plastic container. "Continue to eat the brownies while I see what I can do."

Caroline nodded and took the container from me before she grabbed another brownie and started to eat it. She didn't say a word while she watched me think of some cooked chicken.

I bit the inside of my lip and reached into the pouch and pulled out a container that held something steaming in it.

"Would that work for you?" Caroline asked, her mouth full of brownie. She cleared her throat and shifted on the cot again, covering her mouth. "Or do you want something else?"

"I think this is going to work for me," I said with a small laugh in my voice. I placed the pouch down and opened up the container, and my mouth watered when I smelt the chicken. "Mmmm," I said and nodded. "It most certainly will work."

Caroline stopped munching on the brownie that she was eating and looked at what I had pulled out, and her eyes grew wide while she stared at me and the chicken. "What is that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"It's just cooked chicken," I said and shrugged before I set it down beside us. "I can try to get something else out of the pouch, but I think I want to make sure that this tastes good first."

"Well, it looks good, so get something else out." She paused and cleared her throat, her cheeks turning slightly red, and she looked away from me. "Please."

I bit back a small snort and raised an eyebrow in question. "Are you hungry?" I asked, amused, and she slowly nodded in confirmation while her cheeks turned a darker shade of red.

"I don't want to eat broth again," she admitted before she cleared her throat and shifted to relieve some of the embarrassment that she felt. "It gets exhausting eating the same thing over and over again."

I bit back a small laugh and nodded in agreement. "Yes, I can understand that," I said. "My mom did that to one of my brothers once because he said that he loved something so much and wanted to eat it for every meal and didn't want her to cook anything else for him besides that. She did, and after some time, he got tired of it and wanted something else." I shrugged and grimaced. "I don't think he has eaten it ever since then."

She bit back a small snort and nodded, her lips flickering upward into an amused smile. "Did you have to eat it?" she asked, and I shook my head no. "Why not?"

"Because I loved it but didn't love it that much." I shrugged and grinned. "Mom made sure that we had something else to eat, and we were forbidden to give anything to him."

Caroline bit back a small snort and nodded. She didn't say a word and looked at that before she looked at me again, and I could tell that she wanted me to eat it so that she could try.

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