Chapter 9

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Fernos and Caroline left after that, and Fernos became more closed off than he was before, silencing Caroline's protest with a single look when all she wanted to do was stay. He didn't say a word to me or Caroline about what I had said, and I had a feeling that he would still blame himself, especially since he lost his son because of it.

I didn't mind being alone and waited for someone else to appear because I had a feeling that would happen sooner rather than later. I stayed in the same tent that I was left in with my eyes closed and listened to the sounds of the pack that I found myself in, craving to be in their presence but knowing that I couldn't until I was "freed".

My whole body ached, and all I wanted to do was lay down on the hard ground, but I knew that if I wanted to act like I was still tied up, then I couldn't do it. I had to stay seated but instead of having my arms around the post, I had my arms around my legs and had my head resting on them.

As soon as I heard the sound of someone coming towards my tent, I quickly put the bindings back over my wrists and sprawled my legs out while I laid my head on the wooden post and waited for them to appear.

My breathing was even, and I made sure that it looked like I was asleep, even though I wasn't, no matter how exhausted I was.

The person paused on the other side of the tent, and for a split second, I had no idea if they were going to enter or not.

However, that changed when they took a deep breath, pushed it open, and entered the tent.

They didn't say a word while they stared at me, and I took a deep breath to smell that it was Giselle, holding something that smelt like food. Her heart skipped a beat, and I could tell that she was grieving at the loss of her best friend while she looked at me.

"You know," she said, breaking the silence that we found ourselves in. "I know that you are awake, Kyler."

I debated on whether or not to act like I wasn't awake, but I had a feeling that she would know if I was lying or not, so I opened my eyes and stared at the female, who had my aunt's face and kindness.

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes while she dipped her head in greeting. "I brought you some food," she said, holding a bowl of some sort of broth. "It's not much, but I had a feeling that you would be hungry."

My stomach decided to make itself known and called out for food, sounding like a beached whale. It groaned and grumbled, wanting food that I hadn't had in a while, dying for something to fill it up even if it isn't that much.

I didn't say a word, and my face turned bright red while I looked down when she chuckled.

Giselle chuckled again and didn't try to hide it. "Why don't you get yourself untied and situated, and I will bring it to you," she said, amused. "It does sound like you need something to eat now."

I furrowed my brows and cocked my head. "What do you mean?" I asked, making sure that she didn't know I knew what she meant. "I can't get out of the bindings. They are too tight on my wrists to do that."

Giselle narrowed her eyes and studied me, and I had no idea if she believed me or not. "Are you sure that you are Rylan's daughter?" she asked bluntly, and I raised an eyebrow in question. "If you are, then it should be hard to keep you contained somewhere that you do not want to be in."

"My mother wasn't an angel but was an escape artist," I replied right off the bat. "I am an angel and don't escape from places where I am held. She hasn't taught me that." I made sure to keep my face neutral while I looked at her, even though all I wanted to do was laugh because it sounded so absurd in my ears that I had no idea why I had mentioned it.

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