Chapter 23

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Uris tried to bow as soon as I pulled out the necklace. He didn't say a word and kept trying to bow, and I watched him with a raised eyebrow and a little bemused about this situation.

"Why is he trying to bow?" Caroline asked from my shoulder, her voice barely above a whisper. She looked bewildered, and I had a feeling that she didn't understand this either.

I didn't respond and shrugged while I watched him.

"Ok, you can stop," I said finally and tucked the necklace back under my shirt. "What is going on? Why are you trying to bow to me?"

Uris stopped trying to bow and grinned. Excitement filled his eyes while he looked at me, and I could tell that he was also relieved that the one who bore the mark was me and not someone else. 'Because you are the one that we are waiting for,' he said. 'You are the one with "fire in her heart and water in her veins."'

I stayed silent and narrowed my eyes at him, my cheeks turning slightly red. I had no idea what he meant and silently wondered if he knew about the second power that I had or what it meant to be the Siran.

"What did he say?" Caroline asked while she looked between us.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and rubbed the back of my neck before I sighed and shook my head. "He said that I am the one that they are waiting for. Apparently I am the one with "fire in her heart and water in her veins" whatever that means."

As soon as I said that part of whatever, Caroline's eyes grew wide, and she leaned back a little. She stayed silent while I raised an eyebrow and gave her a weirded out look.

"What?" I asked, and she shifted on her feet while her cheeks grew red. "What is it?"

"Andrei told that to me when I was feeling down one day," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "but there were other parts to it too."

"What was it?" I asked while I furrowed my brows and cocked my head.

She hesitated and looked at me before she looked at Uris. "Do you know it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper, and I had a feeling that she wanted to make sure that she wasn't going to make a mistake by telling me this in front of him.

Uris nodded in confirmation. 'I do,' he said. 'I know what it is.'

"He does know what it is," I said before I looked at Caroline and raised an eyebrow in question. "So, what is it?"

Caroline cleared her throat and shifted on her feet, looking bashful. "'When the Earth orbits the Sun eighteen times and the stars align, hope will arrive when all hope seems lost. The one with fire in her heart and water in her veins will show the way and save the day. And, give everlasting peace to a dying heart,'" she said softly.

A shiver went down my spine when she said that, and I bit my lip. My heart skipped a beat before it started to pound faster while I looked at the two of them. I stood a little taller and felt a little more power enter my body while I looked at them and took a deep, shuddering breath.

Caroline cleared her throat and shifted her feet again while she furrowed her brows and cocked her head. "Do you know what it means?" she asked softly while she looked at the two of us.

I bit my lip and furrowed my brows while I dipped my head closer to my chest and thought about what she said. "'When the Earth orbits the Sun eighteen times and the stars align, hope will arrive when all hope seems lost.' That would technically be me," I said and shrugged. "I'm eighteen, and for some reason, the Siran is supposed to bring hope, and apparently, I am supposed to bring hope, and I guess it is lost?"

Uris nodded and gestured for me to continue.

"'The one with fire in her heart and water in her veins will show the way and save the day.' That is stating what my powers are because I do control water, even though I am not that good at it. Blood is basically made of water, which goes with the 'water in her veins,' and I control fire and will do anything in my power to make sure to do what is right. That goes with 'the fire in her heart.'"

"And you have started to show the way," Caroline said softly, "but how will you save the day?"

I shrugged, not worried about it. I had a feeling that I would know soon enough and I had a feeling that once that day came, I would no longer be needed here and can help my family finish a fight that had been started before I was born.

Caroline bit back a huff but nodded while she furrowed her brows and cleared her throat. "So... that leaves, 'And, give everlasting peace to a dying heart.' What does that mean?" Caroline asked after I hadn't responded with how I would save the day.

"Well, to help someone that's going to die," I said and shrugged. "I guess they are dying or at least their heart is dying."

Caroline furrowed her brows and tucked her head closer to her chest. "But they would be dead; wouldn't they? If their heart is dead?"

"It could be a metaphor and the heart isn't actually dead," I said and shrugged. "Maybe someone that is in an unrelenting and immense amount of grief that they can't describe or express in words. They could be suffering from a broken heart that is filled with pain and grief and it feels like they are dying."

Caroline slowly nodded while she furrowed her brows further and bit her bottom lip. "I think that Cooper might be the one that has the dying heart," she said softly, "but how will death help him?"

Uris raised an eyebrow and looked slightly annoyed that Caroline didn't know because it was apparent how death would help him. 'He'll be giving the gift of being with his mate,' Uris said, and I nodded in agreement. 'He'll find his "everlasting peace" with her and be happy because he isn't happy now.'

Caroline looked at Uris before she looked at me, her face and her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Can you teach me how to sign?" she asked, and Uris smirked and dipped his head closer to his chest. "I want to know what he says first hand."

I smiled, amused and nodded. "I can," I confirmed before I cleared my throat to hide a chuckle, and I had a feeling that I didn't hide it well because Caroline scowled and narrowed her eyes at me. "But to answer your question, he said that Cooper will be given the gift of being with his mate. He'll find his "everlasting peace" with her and be happy because he isn't happy now."

Caroline slowly nodded while she furrowed her brows in deep thought. "Then I hope that we can give him his everlasting peace," she said. "No matter how much of a dick he has been to us. He deserves that much."

"We will," I promised with a slight nod. "It will just take time and patience."

But hopefully not too much time will pass because I still have to find my own...

The Red Wolf's Daughter (Book 3 Part 2: The Making of the Siran)Where stories live. Discover now