Chapter 28

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"Hey, Ky?" Caroline asked out of the blue while we both stayed in our position of leaning against each other.

"Hmm?" I asked half asleep because that was my defense mechanism when I felt like crying. I was comfortable being like this, and I had a feeling that she wouldn't mind if I took a small nap while I leaned against her.

"When can you teach me how to fight?" she asked softly while she started to play with my fingers. "Can you teach me, now?"

I bit back a small groan and opened my eyes. "I guess," I said before I shrugged off her head from my shoulder and rubbed my eyes. I bit back a yawn and rubbed my eyes harder until those little dots appeared in my vision. "Do you have a safe space that we are able to move around so that I can teach you? I would suggest doing it there, but I don't think Cooper would like us being moved around again."

"We can do it in the clearing you "found" me or was transported to from your timeline," she said while she shrugged and grimaced. "No one goes there anyway, and it's basically like my "secret" hiding place."

I nodded and then stood and stretched, biting back a yawn. "Then, let's go ahead and go," I said. "It's not just fighting that I am going to have you do because you have to be able to breathe properly and get your stamina up. Do you know if there is any training going on for the warriors?"

"There is," she said and nodded in confirmation, looking very uncomfortable. "But, I don't think Cooper will allow us to join."

I bit back a scoff and rolled my eyes. "Fuck Cooper," I said, "and I am not going to make you join yet, but you're going to have to do it one of those days. There's only so much that I can teach you and correct."

Caroline slowly nodded and cleared her throat. "I want to go if you are doing it," Caroline said hesitantly. "I'll probably get my ass handed to me..." She wrinkled her nose and pursed her lips in annoyance.

I shrugged and grimaced. "It's the way of learning and getting better," I said. "There are some times when I win fights against my brother. There are times in which my brother wins those fights against me."

Caroline hesitated but nodded. She stood and moved a hand through her hair. "You got my back?" she asked while she raised an eyebrow in question, and I nodded in confirmation while I smiled.

"'Course," I said, "but I do want to see what you can do first, so we can start with practicing with each other first before we join them." I winked, and she offered me a small smile.

"Good," she said and nodded, relieved. "Then, I guess let's go." She looked at the tent flap and cleared her throat while she looked at me, nervous. "I don't know if Fernos had made it so that we can't go out again," she said hesitantly, and I smiled.

"It doesn't matter if he doesn't or not," I said and smirked while I winked. "I am just going to walk through, anyway. He knows that, so I am sure that he isn't going to put it up just for that reason."

She hesitated before she nodded and bit the inside of her lip. "Ok," she said and stood taller like a statue. She took a deep breath before she cleared her throat, looking nervous. "I am ready whenever you are," she said softly, but I could hear the small doubt in her voice as if she thought that something different would happen.

I nodded and grinned. "Oh, I am ready," I said and started to stretch, and she raised an eyebrow in question, looking amused. "Now, come on, let's go." I took a deep breath and walked to the front of the tent, and she hesitated before she followed.

I stopped and looked at her while I narrowed my eyes at her, trying to think if it would be best for her to keep following me or not. "Now, you might want to stop and wait until I get through..." I said. "Like I said, I don't know if Fernos set it up or not, but I don't want you to get hurt."

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