Chapter 5

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I bit my lip when the pain in my back flared to an amount that was noticeable, and I couldn't stop the whimper of pain that escaped through my past my tight lips.

Tears pricked the corners of my eyes, and I gritted my teeth closer together while I kept them from falling. My whole body was tense while I waited for Cooper to strike me for not answering him, but it never came.

Cooper's heart skipped a beat when he heard my whimper of pain, and he backed away from me. He didn't say a word while he looked at me, ignoring the warning hiss that someone sent his way.

Shit, I thought when I smelled the same scent that my mate carried here. Not him, either. Why am I even paired up with this one when I didn't accept the rejection of the one from my timeline?

I opened my eyes instantly when I heard the small hiss and ignored the male in front of me to stare at the male that hissed, ignoring everyone that was gathered in the room. My mouth went dry while I stared at him.

Oh, sweet goddess, I thought while I continued to stare at him, my mouth drier than the Sahara Desert, if my Andrei turns out like this, then I would be in sweet, sweet heaven.

Gone was the boyish appearance that I had been used to, and was replaced with man that had the same eyes that I had fallen for at the beginning.

His stormy gray eyes gleamed with an unknown emotion while he stared at me, mixed with relief, happiness, and awe. His black hair was cut shorter than he would have had it in my time, but it suited this man better than the hair my mate had.

Andrei smiled when he caught me staring at him and slowly dipped his head in greeting. He didn't say a word while I looked at him, ignoring everyone in the room except for me, and I did the same, ignoring the male that I was trying to get my attention.

A loud, murderous growl sounded through the area, breaking the connection between me and my "mate," and I looked towards the sound to see Cooper glaring at me with anger filling his eyes.

"Well?" he snarled and bared his teeth, and I blinked and raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?" he growled. "Why are you here?"

I studied the male before me before I dismissed him with a single glance and looked at the other people gathered, making a mental note of what they looked like and if they would easily be swayed into going against this Alpha and helping me with the training of the new Red Wolf.

My heart ached when I noticed that there wasn't a representative of the Fae species, and I made a mental note to see if I couldn't find out why or if I could get them to help out, too, because I knew that we were going to need them.

We were going to need every species on the same page, unlike the last time my family had faced this group.

I stopped studying the group when I saw the Vampire king and saw that he was staring at my neck where his blood lay. Fuck... I thought when he met my gaze and made sure that my face was blank. This is going to be fun.

The Vampire king didn't say a word while he studied me, searching for answers as to why I had his blood when he didn't give it to me himself.

Smack, pain filled my cheek when the male before me smacked me across the face, earning a gasp of shock from one of the females and a warning hiss from my mate.

Instantly, I pulled my gaze from the group and looked at the male that slapped me; his eyes also filled with shock and surprise, and his hand was still raised as if he was going to backhand me again.

His mouth was ajar, and it looked like he shocked himself more than the others because he had carried through that.

I wrinkled my nose and wiggled my mouth, making sure that everything was working before I cleared my throat. "Ow," I said and blinked slowly while I stared at Cooper. "That hurt. What was that for?"

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