Chapter 10

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I was getting anxious for some reason, and I didn't like it one bit while I shifted on my butt.

Something was going to happen, something bad; I couldn't feel it, and I had no way to prepare the others for it, especially since I had to keep my "secret" of being able to hear everything and not able to escape until the time was right.

Fernos wasn't watching over me, which felt weird if I were to be honest, and I had no way of contacting him.

He couldn't inform them of the perils that I knew we were going to face.

I shifted on the ground, silently cursing my luck and Cooper, wondering why I had to be in this position and not able to be free and help as much as possible.

I could just run up to them and warn them, I thought and pursed my lips while wrinkling my nose in annoyance, but that could lead me to getting banned or killed.

I groaned and leaned my head against the wooden post while I waited, praying that the feeling would happen so that I could help and defend the pack and the red wolf.

If I died here, does that mean I would die in my timeline? I silently wondered and banged my head harder against the wooden post, surprised that it didn't move.


Again, I groaned and shifted on my spot, praying that someone would come and check on me so that I could warn them.

But no one ever did.

Sounds of screams filled the air followed by some yelling with people saying, "we have been breached! Attack!"

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

I shifted on my ass and gritted my teeth together before I bit back a growl.


Yells of pain and screams of fear filled the air around me, and soon, there was a smell of blood, burning flesh, and death.

Double fuck.

"Get to her!" Cooper barked from somewhere to my left. "Make sure that she stays safe!"

"Fre-" someone was about to say but was stopped by someone else.

"No, don't," Cooper said, interrupting the person from talking. "The prisoner stays there. If they die, then they die. Now, attack. Get everyone else out of here."

I held back an eye roll when he said not to free me and scowled. Gee, thanks, I thought sarcastically and stayed put while everyone else went to do whatever Cooper ordered them to do. That was very nice of you.

The tent that I was in started to burn when someone lit on fire, creating a hole so that I could see.

I watched with wide eyes while men in black from head to toe started to attack the community, ignoring me in the process.

Yells and growls filled the air, but it looked like almost everyone from the community didn't shift into their wolf form and those that were in wolf form were attacking everything and everyone with no remorse or control over themselves.

What the fuck happened? I silently wondered while I stayed rooted in my spot with wide eyes. What's going on?

"But I have to get to her!" someone exclaimed somewhere to my left. "She's tied up! She can't protect herself!"


Goddess, please, no, I silently prayed, praying that I didn't hear Caroline coming to my "rescue," even though we both knew that I didn't need it. Please.

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