Chapter 11

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I made sure that Caroline stayed safe while I moved around her, killing those that were uninnocent and protecting those that were. I saved some of the people attacking us lives, feeling that they were actually innocent and doing this because they either had someone in trouble or couldn't get out of it.

No one from this side fought in wolf form, and those that were in wolf form were feral, something that I had never seen before. They looked like they were being controlled by something, someone, and I knew that it was my duty to find out and to put a stop to it so that no one had to be afraid of going into their other form.

However, for now, it was my duty to make sure that this group stayed alive and to protect the innocents that lived here as well as those fighting against us against their will.

Unfortunately, it meant knocking them out after I saved their life and making this ring of fire of some sort around their body to make sure that no one else would hurt them in their passed out state. I didn't want Cooper or anyone else to kill them by accident and slowly lose that innocence that could sometimes be hard to maintain.

"Ky," Giselle yelled over the noise of screams of pain and death. She pointed in the direction of Copper fighting someone and then someone coming up behind him, clearly with the thought of killing him.

"Watch out!" I yelled before I sent a huge fireball at the one behind Cooper and then grabbed my dagger and threw it at the one in front of him, killing them both instantly.

Cooper stopped and looked at me with an opened mouth and wide eyes. Shock and amazement filled his eyes before he sobered up quickly and dipped his head in thanks. He went to attack someone else, and I rolled my eyes before I called my dagger back to me, not caring that he didn't say a word about me saving his life.

I rolled my eyes and scowled before I started to attack the other group again, making sure that Caroline was still safe and between both Giselle and I.

I grabbed my dagger when it came to me and started to go a different way with both Giselle and Caroline following me. I kept my dagger out this time and would occasionally toss it at another unsuspecting person, killing them instantly and protecting the person that they were trying to attack.

I watched as someone was stalking a man that didn't have a weapon, pleading about something, something that I couldn't hear.

He kept backing away from the person with a sword and held out his hands in surrender as if that would calm the person down, but it didn't.

The man on the ground was an innocent, and the person above him was slowly becoming not innocent and would be an uninnocent if he killed him.

That thought hit me like a ton of bricks, and I shivered before I ran towards them, wanting to protect both from before it was too late.

"Kyler!" Giselle exclaimed and both she and Caroline followed me towards the two that were fighting. "Stop!"

I didn't respond and stuffed my dagger into its sheath again before I twisted the spear so that the pointy end would be facing away from him.

The person above him grinned with this sadistic look and lifted their weapon above their head.

Everything felt as if it was going slow motion, the battle around me becoming nothing more than background noises while I thought through the anguish and despair that they both felt.

The person's weapon started to slowly go down, and the man on the ground dipped his head and closed his eyes, accepting his fate and that he wouldn't be alive any longer.


Metal met wood and stopped before there was any damage, and the male that I saved gasped and opened his eyes to see that I was standing over him with a glowing spear that protected him from the other person's sword.

The male in front of me eyes grew wider before he narrowed his eyes and tried to force the sword lower.

I tightened my grip on the spear and pushed back, making sure that he wasn't able to get to the man on the ground.

The spear in my hands grew brighter, the color looking like flames but didn't produce any heat.

I narrowed my eyes and pushed back a little more, silently pleading for the man in front of me to stop and fight back the darkness in his soul.

After much deliberation and much thought, the male closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let it out and released his grip on the sword, the darkness in him disappearing.

I stayed firm and waited as he lifted the sword, bowed his head, and then ran off into a different direction to protect other innocents while I stood over the male.

I relaxed my grip on the spear and looked at the stunned man on the ground, the glowing around the spear dying. "Are you hurt?" I asked.

The male stared at me with an open mouth, stunned silent. He didn't say a word while he looked at me, fear and hope filling his eyes.

I held back an eye roll and bit back a groan. "Are you hurt?" I asked again.

Finally, the stunned male with his mouth wide open shook his head no. He didn't move, didn't say a word, and I had a feeling that I broke him.

"Good," I said and nodded before I cleared my throat and grew serious. "I apologize in advance about what I have to do. I have no idea what the Alpha wants, but I will make sure that you are protected and fed. Ok?"

The male didn't respond and nodded again. His mouth was still agape, and the fear slowly turned to respect and trust, and I bit back a sigh of relief and nodded.

"Good," I said and cleared my throat and pressed my lips into a thin line. "Again, I am sorry about this, but no one else shall hurt you after this ok?"

Again, he nodded.

I nodded as well before I took the end of the spear and smashed it hard enough against his head to knock him out but not hard enough to kill him.

The male fell to the ground and passed out, and I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that he was still breathing and that his wolf was healing the wound.

"Kyler!" Giselle exclaimed while I backed up from the male and set up another protective ring around him.

I looked at her to see that there were a few people around both her and Caroline, and Giselle was getting overwhelmed by the amount of people near them. "Oh, hell to the fucking no," I said and sensed that they all were not innocents. "That is not going to fly."

I took a deep breath and made a protective circle around both Caroline and Giselle so that they wouldn't get hurt from my fire as well as to protect them from the group around them. I shot a wave of fire at them, the fire looking like a snake while it circled around the protective circle and instantly killing those that were going to attack them.

Screams of pain and agony filled the air while they burnt to a crisp, but I didn't care while

"Everyone retreat!" someone, vaguely, familiar exclaimed somewhere to my left. "We are finished! Go back home!"

The fighting ended as fast as it began, and the whole group seemed to disappear without a trace except for the protective bubbles that held the innocents that I had protected. There were no traces of the dead that came with them, and that left me worried and concerned.

Goddess, please don't let there be zombies in this timeline, I silently prayed while I walked towards Giselle and Caroline, the fire still around them. Please.

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