Chapter 3

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Caroline frowned but didn't say a word. Rejection filled her eyes, and I could tell that she didn't like not knowing what we were talking about.

I offered her a tight smile and nudged her playfully, hiding back a wince when my back pulled. "I'm not even supposed to know about it," I said jokingly. "I only know about it because I have inherited my mother's ability to be super nosey and get into other people's business without their permission." I shrugged and grimaced. "Or their knowledge."

Caroline smiled a little bigger and didn't say a word. Her eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, and I knew that she wanted to know now and not wait. However, she knew that it would be best if she didn't ask.

I turned my attention back to Fernos, hoping and praying that Caroline knew that it wasn't my place to tell but his and knowing that I wanted to but knew that it would be best if it came from his mouth and not mine.

Fernos didn't say a word and shifted on his feet, getting a bit uncomfortable about the silence and the attention that was on him. He looked between Caroline and me before he looked at her directly and did not pay me any attention.

His gaze softened a little with a look that I had seen him give me, and a small bit of jealousy settled into the pit of my gut and twisted my insides around before I was able to force it away.

He is not my grandfather, I reminded myself silently. There is no need to get jealous of the way he is looking at her.

Fernos cleared his throat and turned back to me, his face becoming a mask and hiding his emotions from me. His gaze was hard and unnerving, and I couldn't help but cringe, feeling as if I had done something wrong.

"Why... are you here?" Caroline asked, changing the subject. She could feel the tension between us, and I knew that she didn't like it.

I pulled my gaze off of Fernos and looked at Caroline, grateful for the distraction. I offered her a small smile, and she smiled back a little. "To help you, I think," I replied, and she raised an eyebrow in question. "To give you hope."

Caroline scoffed and rolled her eyes. She scowled, and I could tell that she did not believe me when I told her that I could bring her hope.

I frowned and shifted; the pain became unbearable for a second before I was able to push it to the back of my mind, even though I knew that it had to get checked out soon. "It's true," I said, defending myself and my answer. "I am here to give you hope and probably the others of this world because I have a feeling that hope for some people has been lost."

"And what gives you the right to give us hope?" Fernos asked. He scowled and studied me with dark brown eyes that were filled with pain and grief that he tried to keep hidden. "Who do you think you are?"

"The Siran," I replied without any hesitation. I watched the male with my grandfather's face look at me with shock before he was able to compose himself and felt relieved because I knew that he knew what the Siran was.

"The what?" Caroline asked and looked between us. Confusion filled her voice, and I knew that this confused her like it did me. "What's the Siran?"

"That is what I am still trying to figure out," I replied and looked at her. "My grandfather knows it the best, but he is defensive when I ask him about it." I shifted on my but to relieve some of the stress I felt and tried to rub the bridge of my nose but couldn't because of my hands being tied behind my back. "It doesn't help that I am at a shitty pack at the moment and can't do much research like I want to because of these stupid rules they have put in place."

"And what are the rules?" Fernos asked and raised an eyebrow in question. He scowled and narrowed his eyes, mistrust filling them. "And if I like you the way that you say that I do, then why did I allow you to go over there?"

I rolled my eyes and scowled, getting annoyed with this demon that shared my grandfather's face. "Because you had no choice," I replied coldly. "You knew that I would be going there no matter what you had to say, especially since my sister was going there to meet her "family.""

"What are the rules?" Caroline asked, and I turned my attention to her and not the scowling male that was watching my every move. She glanced at Fernos before she looked at me again, pressing her lips into a thinner line.

I sighed and leaned against the wooden post, feeling tired. "Let's just say that they do not treat their women well nor the Omegas. They make the women not shift and don't train them to fight, which I do not agree with."

"Do you know how to fight?" Caroline asked, and I nodded. She perked up and cocked her head. "Can you train me?" she asked excitedly. "I want to learn, but Cooper..." She trailed off and grimaced while she shrugged.

I set my jaw and nodded. "You need to learn, anyway," I said. "I do not know why he hasn't let anyone train you because I know that he knows who you are and what you mean to the packs and to the other species."

Caroline didn't respond and shifted. She cleared her throat and looked at Ferons before she looked at me. "Can you train me in other areas, too?" she asked, her voice soft. "I-I do need to learn, but..." She shrugged and grimaced.

I grimaced, too, and shrugged. "I'll try," I replied. "I'm not good with that power, not as good as I am with fire. However, I do know some tricks and will gladly teach you them." I smiled and winked. "I'm sure that you'll do better than me in no time."

Caroline bit back a snort and shook her head, amused. She cleared her throat and grew serious. "What about doing what the Siran do?" she asked. "How are you going to learn that?"

I shrugged. "I'll think of something," I replied and looked at Fernos with a raised eyebrow. "And maybe have you help me since I don't have the emotional ties that I do have with your other part."

"I still don't believe that you are her," Fernos said. "You don't have the mark that a Siran should have."

Oh hell to the fucking no, I thought and set my jaw. I narrowed my eyes and scowled at Fernos, and Fernos scowled and narrowed his eyes at me. "Oh, really now?" I asked. "Are you sure that I do not have the mark?"

Fernos shifted on his feet and set his jaw. He didn't say a word while he looked at me, waiting for me to do something or show him the mark.

I released myself from my confines, and Carlone moved away from me with a started gasp while Fernos moved a little forward but stopped when Caroline waved him off.

I gave her a weird look and cocked my head. "What?" I asked. "They weren't that tight, so I have no idea why you are acting like that. Also, my mom had taught me how to get out of stuff since I was like maybe two."

"But... how?" Caroline asked. "I mean, why haven't you done that sooner?"

I shrugged and moved a hand through my hair before I grimaced at how greasy it felt and ignored the pain in my back. "Because I have nowhere else to go?" I asked. "I mean, everyone that I know doesn't know me, and I don't have the ties that I have had when I was on my timeline. I also don't have a way home, so... ya." I shrugged again. "There's nothing for me out there just yet."

Caroline slowly nodded. "Now, what is it about the mark that he is talking about?" she asked. "Do you know what he means?"

I paused and looked at Fernos with a cocked head. I studied the male before me before I slowly nodded and looked at Caroline. "I do," I confirmed and reached for the necklace that symbolizes that I was, in fact the Siran. "And he is talking about this."

And with that, I lifted the necklace from underneath my shirt and let it hang in view of the two people that were in the tent.

The Red Wolf's Daughter (Book 3 Part 2: The Making of the Siran)Where stories live. Discover now