Chapter 5

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-Tubbo POV-

I turn around in my bed to try and get more comfortable. Wait. This doesn't feel like my bed. I open my eyes and see the inside of a car. Oh yeah. I look in the back and I see Ranboo and Tommy sleeping. Tommy has his head on Ranboos shoulder and Ranboo has his on Tommy's head.

Ranboo may not know but Tommy and I have been trying to get him to take care of himself without him knowing. It's nice to see him sleep. I hope he got a good amount. I turn on Ranboos phone (I don't have one) and check the time. It read 6:26.

They were probably up late so I'll wake them later. I grab earbuds out of the container thingy below the headboard (I think that's what it's called idk Ive never drove or owned a car) I open Spotify and put on my playlist. I quietly exit the car and start walking around aimlessly.

It's a fairly cool morning. I walk past a hotdog stand and remember that we don't have any food. I find a grocery store and walk inside. I stand in front of a fruit section and tinker with my nose ring until a nearby family is out of sight. I grab an apple and take a bite. I casually walk back out of the store somehow completely unnoticed.

I walk back down the way I came towards the hotdog stand. It seemed to be unattended so I make my way inside and find the cooler with the hotdogs. I turn on the grill and wait for it to heat up. I put the hotdogs on the grill and sit in a chair while I wait for them to cook. Today must be an easy day for crime nobody has even caught me yet. I look back at the cooking hotdogs and grab two buns for them. I place them both in a bun and grab a paper bowl plate thingy.

I walk back to our parked car holding the warm hotdogs in the container. I open the door to the car and find Ranboo in the driver's seat once again.

"Im back." I flopped into the passenger seat and held out one of the hotdogs. "Want one."

Ranboo looked hesitant but nodded and took one. "Tommy still asleep?"

"Yeah I woke up not to long ago," Ranboo answered, muffled by the bite of food he has in his mouth.

I nodded and put the phone back in it's original spot after bringing up a map. "So where exactly are we going?" Ranboo thought for a moment while chewing his second bite. "Well there is a nearby town that I'd like to go to."

Seems awfully bland to me. He's probably not telling me something. There isn't anything I can do about ut though.

"Hey," a just woken up Tommy said.

"Hey man I brought you a hotdog. We should start driving soon," I said reaching for the hotdog I set down.

Ranboo shoved the rest of his breakfast in his mouth and started up the car. "Ah shit."

"What is it," I asked while hanging Tommy his food. "We're almost out of gas. Does anyone have money on them?"

We all just silently shrugged a no. "Well guess we're doing our first robbery together on this trip."

I yelled a woop as Ranboo drove down the road, a bit over the speed limit.

Around 580 words for this one :]

An early upload today! Rare isn't it?

Any predictions for what's going to happen later in the book?

Anyway have a good morning/afternoon/night :D

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