Chapter 22

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«Narrator Pov»

The staircase was terribly lit and Dream knew it went pretty far down too.

He kept walking down and down until finally a large wooden door came into view.

Dream opened the door and stepped into a large room with better lighting. It was quiet. He stepped forward towards the middle of the room.

"Who is it?" Said a voice.

Dream stopped walking and bowed down. A large chair in front of him with a dark figure sitting in it was in front of him.

"It's Dream. I need my favor early." Dream lifted his hand and brought his mask down. "Please Bad I need this. I'll repay you in any way." Tears began forming in his eyes as he spoke. Dream never really was good at hiding emotions.

"I'm listening," Bad, the figure in the chair, said.

"It's about George. I think the time has come to get my revenge. His anniversary is coming up and I can't know that I haven't done anything the past year," Dreams tears began rolling down his cheeks, sadness becoming strong, almost unbearable. "Please Bad I need this. For George. My best friend. My only friend."

Old memories began flooding into Dream's head. George. His lost friend. They lived together in a small apartment. One night while they were asleep someone broke in. It woke Dream and he grabbed a bat and went to George's room to make sure he was ok.

He was not.

George, once alive, happy, healthy, was laying on the ground.

Tw: small mentions of blood

George lay on the ground unmoving. A dark liquid surrounding him.


Dream fell to the ground by his friend. "GEORGE!" Dream began sobbing as he held his friend. The only one who was truly ever there for him. Even when he was kicked out by his parents. George stood bye his side. But now, bloody and cold, George could no longer be with Dream.

End of tw

Small summary: George died :[

After that might Dream ran away and swore revenge. He found Bad and decided to work for him. He got a house in the middle of the woods and began training.

He carried his sadness and loss every step of the way. And now. He felt it was time to finally make his move.

"I see." Bad stood up from his chair and walked in front of Dream. "I was expecting this say to come eventually but I wasn't expecting so soon I'm not sure.."

"PLEASE!" Dream sobbed falling to the floor below Bad. Surprise fell over Bad's face at the sudden outburst.

"Bad please your the only one who can help me. I don't think I can do this alone." Dream stayed on the floor tears soaking the carpet below.

Bad stayed silent. If someone agrees to work for him he gives them one wish. He is special and can do almost anything. Although he wouldn't normally give a wish this early...


Dreams head snapped up. "What."

Bad turned around facing the opposite direction.

"I'll do it. When are we going."

Dream rose to his feet. "Tomorrow night. Thank you, you have no idea how much this means to me," Dream said bowing.

"Go home." Bad said walking back. Dream so began walking back to the door but when he put his hand on the handle Bad spoke up again.

"Oh also, I wasn't expecting you to be able to actually train and take care of those boys. Good job."

Dream teared up again, "thank you." He left the large room and went back up the stairs.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow we can be free, George.

Not too long but some information. I had my sad playlist on idk if u could tell lmao

Any ideas on how the revenge is going to go? (I'm curious to see ur theories)

Anyway have a good day afternoon night

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