Chapter 4

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~Ranboo Pov~

"Guys PLEASE choose a different song besides Hayloft," I complained. We have only been driving for an hour and they were already getting on my nerves. In response Tommy grabbed his phone and turned up the volume. Tubbo sang even louder and I groaned in annoyance.

I looked at my phone which had a GPS on it and there is an upcoming turn and I got an idea. I grinned and gripped harder onto my steering wheel as I turned a quick left making everyone in the car quickly fall right. I laughed as I continued peacefully driving down the road as Tubbo and Tommy tried to sit back upright.

"Not cool man," Tommy complained. "You better not do that again. I'm not afraid to grab my knife," Tubbo said in a monotone voice. I stop laughing because I know that he is serious and will most likely stab me. He has almost gotten me before but instead punched me in the face, giving me a black eye.

"Tubbo, dude your seriously scary for a nerd."

I could feel Tubbo lift his gaze from me and turn it to Tommy. "Nerd?"

Tommy instantly knew his mistake. "H-hey man let's just put on some tunes and chill ay?" Tommy stammered nervously.

Oh god. This is going to be a long car ride.

----Time Skip----

I parked the car in a public park parking lot and Tubbo brought out blankets for each of us.

"Why do I have to have the one with Care Bears on it."

"Because it suits you, besides I don't have to give you a blanket at all," Tubbo said with a smirk and raised an eyebrow at Tommy, "I'll gladly have two."

Tommy grumbled and layed across the backseats. I tilted my seat back and tried to get  comfortable. Tubbo did the same and turned around to face the opposite direction. Not long after I heard the soft snores of Tubbo. I sighed and rolled on my side to face Tubbo. He's a useful member of the team, even of he is scary at times. He is a really good hacker and builds all sorts of weird gadgets. Like the tracker anklets we all wore and the watch filled with poison he has strapped around his wrist.

I sit up and look over at Tommy. He has his eyes open staring at the ground. Probably zoned out.

"Tommy?" He looks up at me with an unsurprised expression, like he was expecting me to still be awake, and sits up. "Yeah?"

"Can't sleep?" He sighs before responding with a simple yes. We both sit in silence for a minute before Tommy speaks up again. "You wanna come back here?" I look at him and he gives me a comforting smile and moves his legs off the seat next to him.

I nod and crawl into the back seat beside Tommy. I sit back in the seat and he does the same. We sit there in a comfortable silence and listen to the sounds outside. Crickets chirping and the wind swaying the trees with the occasional car going by. It was a pretty night, with the large bunches of stars shining brightly from above.

After five minutes Tommy seemed to have drifted off and his head fell onto my shoulder. I smiled and closed my eyes in hope of getting my first bit of real sleep in a while.

Around 570 words today. Finally planned out where I want this story to go last night on a piece of notebook paper 👍

Anyway have a good morning/afternoon/night :D

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