Chapter 2

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~Tubbo pov~

Tommy had left around 10 minutes ago. I got up off the couch I had been laying on for the past hour or so and strolled over to my room. I got a room to myself since all of our hacking equipment and gadgets were stored in here. I logged onto the computer and opened up a map of the area. Even though we already knew the layouts well, since all three of us grew up in this town, I still study the map looking for better escape routed and places to rob.

We had been living like this for about a year and a half now. I still have no idea to this day why the owners of this apartment let us stay here. We don't even look the ages we said we were and our rent is always paid late. Maybe they just pity us. Gross.

I get up off the computer and head towards a trunk where I keep the gadgets I make. I peer inside and find only one extra tracking anklet and a couple other items used for lock picking and automatic password recognition. Tommy broke his last time he was practicing rooftop jumping and I forgot to make another. He's always doing dumb things and breaking everything.

I hear the door open and I close the trunk. I get up and walk back to the living room. I see Tommy in the kitchen with a bag on the counter.

"Hey your back."

He turned around to face me. "Yeah, I got dinner and breakfast for us," he smiled. "Aaaaand I may have snagged something else while I was there," he said in a mischievous tone and a crooked grin.

I looked at him with curiosity growing inside me. "Well, what is it?"

Tommy reached inside his secret pocket and brought out a bag of candy. "Ranboo and I had these one time and really liked them so I got some for you to try too."

I smiled and walked up to the counter to take the bag. We don't eat, let alone bring home, a lot of candy so these must be good for Tommy to steal them. I look at the small fruity candies that are in a circular shape. I open the bag and pour some into my hand and set the bag off the the side. I put a green one into my mouth. It was sweet and a bit cold since it's been cold at night recently but after a couple seconds in my mouth it softened and became sour yet still had a hint of sweetness.

Tommy was putting the food he bought in a cupboard and stashing the plastic bag under the sink.

"How're they?"

I thought for a moment. "Yeah they're pretty good. Better than some of the other candy I've tried." I picked up the bag and held it out towards Tommy. He accepted it and poured some in his hand as well before putting the bag off to the side. For Ranboo when he returns I assume.

Tommy came around the other side of the counter and sat down on a stool next to me. We sat there and ate our candy in a comfortable silence.

When we both finished we said our goodnights to eachother and when to our rooms.

I flipped down onto my bed and took my socks off. (I'm not THAT crazy) I pulled my blankets over me and closed my eyes.

Oh wow I wasn't expecting people to start reading this so fast, but thank you for the votes ^^
Anyway about 590 words for this one. hope it's turning out ok ^•^

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