Chapter 10

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{Tommy POV}

The boy in my arms went limp as he said his last words.

'I love you guys'. His words rang around in my head along with the constant ringing.

There is no way Tubbo's gone. He was running with us just a second ago. We we're running together after a robbery like usual.

'TOMMY! TOMMY' There is someone saying my name. They sound so familiar.

"TOMMY GET UP!" I snapped back to reality with a jolt. Ranboo was standing before me with his hands cuffed together and I felt the same happening to me. I swing my head back and made contact with the officer behind me. I heard a groan in pain and stood up looking around.

There were a couple other officers running towards us and Ranboo took care of his.

"Alright what do we do?" I asked him while carefully observing my surroundings.

Before Ranboo could respond there was a blur and the officers who were moments away of reaching them fell to the ground.

A look of shock filled me and someone stood beside the officers. "Well we should go now. If you want to make it out alive unlike your friend that is."

Ranboo and I shared a look and silently agreed to follow the person.

They began running and we followed not far behind. It proved difficult to keep up though as the person in front of us was strangely fast.

I began falling behind after ten minutes and Ranboo must've noticed because he grabbed my arm and pushed me forward so we're running side by side.

The person kept leading us away from the town, into the woods. It was hard to navigate since it was still dark and Ranboo and I don't know this terrain but somehow we made it until the stranger came to a stop in front of a cabin.

"We're here." The stranger looked at us breathing heavy and out of breath.

"Can you.." Ranboo breathed, "tell us your name?"

The stranger stepped into the light of a torch revealing a pretty tall man with a green hoodie and black pants. He looked like any other average person besides the face he had a white mask over his face only two mech holes for him to see out of.

"Dream," he said and turned to open the door. "You guys can pull out the couch. It turns into a bed. We'll talk in the morning." Dream simply walked off and into another room.

"Do you trust this guy?" Ranboo whispered. I walked over to the couch and took the cushions off. "Not really but he did save our butts back there. If only he came a bit sooner Tubbo.." my voice cracked as the memory of Tubbo flashed though my mind.

Ranboo sighed and walked over to help me with pulling the bed out. We did it and climbed into the bed and grabbed some pillows and blankets that were nearby.

"Hey Tommy," Ranboo whispered.


He turned over to face me and I did the same. "I really miss Tubbo."

My eyes filled with tears, "I do too."

We both fell asleep not long after in the wooden cabin owned to a masked stranger.

And that's the chapter for today :]

This one was kinda short but that's fine

Anyway have a good day, afternoon, night <3

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