Chapter 18

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メRanboo POVメ

I woke up on the ground with the sun in my eyes. Oh no. We fell asleep last night by Tubbo's grave.

I turn and see Tommy resting his head against my arm, asleep. I shake my arm in attempt to wake him. He stirs a bit but remains asleep. This time I just stand up and let him fall to the ground.

"Ow what the.." Tommy trails off looking around at his surroundings. "Oh."

"Get up we need to get back to Dream's place," I say brushing dirt off my pants. I look over at the grave once again. I'm sorry Tubbo.

"Alright let's just go," Tommy said rubbing his eyes.

We both run the the graveyard gate which leads into town. The gate was locked and looked heavy so we just climbed and jumped over it.

There was a sign right by the graveyard saying what town we're in.

Welcome to Oakwood!

"So we're in Oakwood. That's around a 3 hour walk back to Dream's house."

Tommy agreed and we went back the way we came towards the home.

When we started nearing the place where dreams house should be I noticed Tommy and I were picking up speed. Guess this guy has grown on us.

Once we reached the clearing where Dreams house was we started walking. I looked around for any signs Dream was home but I didn't see any movement or hear anything besides nature.

Tommy was already at the door when I got there and was stepping in.

"I don't think he's here," Tommy said walking into the main room. "Hello? Dream we're home," I called out.

No response was made.

"What if..." I walked down the hallway with Dream's bedroom door at the end.

"Hey I thought-"

"I know but what if he's in here just asleep or maybe hurt. It would hurt to just take a look to see if he's in there," I cut him off. Tommy's eyes fell to the floor but he shrugged and walked forward too.

I put my hand on the cold handle and slowly turned it. I swing the door open revealing a cold ordinary looking room. There was a bed with a nightstand next to it and a trunk on the floor at the foot of the bed. There was a calendar on the wall with big x marks on the days that have already passed. On another wall was a bulletin board.

"He's not in here we should really get out," Tommy said starting to back away. I ignored him and went towards the bulletin board. There were a couple sticky notes and some papers with tacs keeping them up. I read an orange one with messy handwriting.

"Comes to the bakery every Saturday."


"Doesn't like kids. Leaves park when they arrive."

What does this mean?

"Tommy come look at these notes." I could hear him shuffling around in the doorway obviously uncomfortable.


"Shut up it's fine. He won't know anyway."

He slowly walked to where I was standing and looked at the bulletin board. A hint of color caught my eye and I grabbed a thicker paper from under a larger sheet with a graph on it. It turned out that they were photos. They all seemed to be taken of places from a higher place and a lot of distance. Each photo did have one thing in common though. There was always the same man in each one.

"Ranboo come here." I put the pictures back and walk over to Tommy who was standing over by the nightstand with the drawer open. "Look at this." He held up a picture with two guys smiling widely sitting on a bench with a sunset in the background. He flipped the picture over and there were some small, near words written in the top right corner.

"My forever


"Who are the people in the picture?" I asked.

"I don't know I jus-" at that moment knocking came from the front door.

We both froze and quickly put the picture away and ran out of the room. Tommy went up to the door waiting a few seconds to catch his breath.

I gave a nod and he opened the door.


"Hi! I'm here to deliver a message to Dream!"

"Oh uh, he's not here right now sorry."

The man at the door smiled, "oh that's ok! Who are you?"

"Tommy. And the guy behind me is Ranboo. We are living with Dream."

"Oh I see. I'm surprised he'd take anyone in. Especially children." It sounded like the man was talking to himself more than us. "I'm sorry how rude of me my name is Charlie Slimecicle I'm a messenger for the boss!" The man was fairly tall and brown hair with a green streak through the front.

"Who's the boss?" I asked. Charlie turned his attention to me frowning for a second. He quickly smiled again, "I'm sorry I can't share that information but if my guess is correct you will know soon." He then held out an envelope. "Can you give this to Dream when he returns? Don't open it though only Dream can," he said in a warning tone.

He takes a coupe steps back. "I'll be off! See you soon!" And with that he was gone. It was just a blur. He was incredibly fast. Much fast than me or Tommy. Maybe even Dream.

"Well guess we should leave this on the table or something for Dream when he comes home," Tommy said looking at the envelope. He walked to the kitchen and returned empty handed a couple seconds later.

"Guess we just chill until Dream comes back," I said flopping down onto the pullout couch.

Wow this is coming to an end soon also my arm kept falling asleep writing this and I'm so annoyed

Anyway have a good morning afternoon night

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