Chapter 7

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•Ranboo POV•

I entered in through the back of the house. I picked the lock and slowly opened the door. Im not sure if they have pets. Pets are always a problem. I peered inside and all I can see is blackness and dark silhouettes of objets. I grabbed a flashlight out of my baggy jeans pocket and flick it on.

I can't hear Tommy but I assume hes also inside by now. It's better if I don't hear him.

I make my way down what looks like a hallway. I see closed doors on both sides of the walls. Probably should take my chances. I turned around and went back. To my left there looked to be a kitchen. I wander around and open one of the cupboards. I squeaked a little and I flinched at the sound. I paused for a moment and after not hearing anything I opened it the rest of the way and looked inside.

There were boxes of cereal and granola bars. I reached inside of an open granola bar box and grabbed one. I stood up and there is a window above the sink. I walk over to it and I see small raindrops starting to fall from the sky. This could be good.

I turn around and see a ray of light coming towards me.

"Tommy," I quietly whisper.

"Yeah," he whispered back now going through another cupboard.

"Money?" I ask. I can hear the rain start to come down harder now. It might be a storm.

"Yeah. 20," he replies. That is a good amount for now.

"We leave?" I ask. He grabbed something and replied 'yeah'.

We start heading to the front door together. I hear a soft snoring sound near the door. I grab Tommy's arm. "Wait. Listen."

We stood there listening and Tommy shines his flashlight around looking for the source of the sound. His flashlight landed on a dog who had not been there before sleeping in front of the door. "Back up," Tommy ordered. I did just that we took slow, quiet steps back into the kitchen.

I breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to go out the back door. I start walking when suddenly I'm falling to the floor.

"Get up get up," Tommy urges while grabbing my arm in an attempt to lift me.

The next chain of events happen in a blur. I'm running. There's barking. There's yelling. It's cold and wet. Tubbo comes to us. We run. There's sirens. I climb a latter.

I shake my head and see a large rooftop. Tommy is pulling Tubbo up.

"Come on I know a way to our car from here. Follow me," Tubbo says starting to run. Tommy and I both run behind him. Tubbo takes a leap to the other building and we do the same. We are all successful and start running to the next jump. This one is a bit further but it should be fine. We all jump it and succeed once again.

Tubbo yells from ahead, "This is the last one! Then we find a way down and make it across the street. Out car should be there!"

My breathing is starting to get heavier from running so much. I'm a pretty active person so it's not as bad for me and it probably is for Tommy and Tubbo.

We keep running and make it to the jump. Tubbo jumps and Tommy jumps a second after I wait before I jump. We all make it to the other side but Tommy is on the ground.

I run over to where he is. "Tommy? Tommy are you ok?"

"Y-yeah I just hurt my leg. I'm fine." I helped him at up but he almost fell over instantly by I caught him. Thunder began booming and a strike of lightning came down. "I'm carrying you. We need to go." I grabbed him and began running to where Tubbo was waiting. There was an unstable looking latter leading down.

"Is Tommy ok?" I look at his leg that is now turning purple. "It's probably broken."

Tubbo nodded. "Your tallest. Get down there and hold the latter steady."

I descend down the ladder and grab a firm grip on it. Tubbo grabs Tommy and helps him down the latter until I can reach. I grab him and put him next to me. Tubbo comes down too. "Tommy get on," I say crouching down for him to get on my back.

He does as he's told and I stand up and start running to the other side if the road.

The rain has started going down harder than it was before and thunder is becoming consistent. Tubbo is pretty far ahead running down the sidewalk to find out car. Its hard to see with all the rain and occasional lightning. We were still running until a strike of lighting landed right by Tubbo.


I run over to him and he's sitting on the ground breathing heavy.

"Tubbo are you ok?" He looks around. "Where are you?" Tubbo I'm right beside you. Your looking at me."

"...what, I can't see you."


Eheheh thanks Ketch0up difficulties they had to go through 😂💛 I was originally just going to have Tommy's leg break but adding temporary blindness to Tubbo is better

Longest chapter yet with around 850 words 👏

Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a good morning/afternoon/night :]

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