Chapter 24

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∅Dream Pov∅

-fighting, mentions of suicide, death, screaming-

"Everyone follow me," I whisper as I open the door, which is strangely never locked. I don't have to drag Bad around anymore since my order was to follow me. Tommy and Ranboo also follow into a dark living room area.

The house was quiet besides a humming from the air conditioner. I grab a throwing knife and walk towards a door. I hide at the side and grab the handle. Tommy and Ranboo held Bad to the side so we wouldn't be seen if Sapnap was in there.

I soundlessly open the door and the room seems to be darker than the living room. I grab a lighter from my pocket and switch it on. I hold it out into the room and move it to one side to another. A bedroom with a messy desk and art easel. A couple painting scattered around the room. They seemed to have a lot of red and orange. I close the door and shake my head. The boys nod.

"Bad is there someone in this house?" I whisper, "reply quietly."

"Yes a male. He is sitting on a bed," Bad whispered back monotonous.

So hes awake. I hold up my hand and put two fingers up which means Tommy. I point to the ground and I hear Tommy walk over to the window and open it a bit just so he can see out of it. He's on watching duty. I hold up three fingers and point to me which is telling Ranboo to follow me.

We walk to a door with a bit of light leaking underneath. I open it and step in the room. Ranboo stayed in the doorway and Bad is right behind me.

There's a man sitting on the bed head in his hands. He doesn't even look up. This is Sapnap. I haven't seen him up close before. He looks a bit shorter than I am. The candlelight reveals dark hair and light skin. Glowing, almost.

"Karl?" Sapnap spoke.

"No. I'm Dream. And I'm here for revenge."

He slowly sits up and looks at Bad, Ranboo and I in turn.

"Oh." That's all he said and he just looked and the floor and somehow slouched more than he already was. He's swaying slowly, it's almost like he's not even really here.

"Sapnap. I've come to kill you." I close my fist ready to punch and stab the needle in.

There was something that moved fast. Very fast. I heard a thump from behind me and I opened my eyes to realize it was me. A knife was stuck in the wall with my hood pinning me there. Did Sapnap throw this? No there's no way that a human could throw something that fast with so much force.

"So you want to kill me?" Sap nap said standing, but still looking at the ground. "Do it."

My eyes widen in shock. I quickly snap out of it and grab the knife. It felt like there was a note attached to it. I put the knife in my pocket.

"Bad grab Sapnap and make sure he doesn't try to get away." Bad does as told and now Sapnap is pinned to the ground.

"Dream right?" I don't respond. "Yeah I remember. George."

I move away from the wall, and my hood falls back revealing my hair. And then it falls. My mask. The knife cut the strap and the circular smile is laying on the floor below me.

"You remember... George."

"I do. And I even remember why and how he was killed. Do you want to hear a story?" He smirks. "Or maybe you can't handle the hard truth."

"The, hard truth," I repeat. What, what do you mean by that."

"Guess I'll share a story with you then. I was told to kill George. But it was by Bad or me or anyone else. It was George. He said he's had enough. He said that all he had was you and you weren't around all the time. When you weren't there George was being harassed. People sent him death threats over email and others wrote notes and slid it under his door. He didn't want to live like that and wanted you to be happy. He thought you would be happy without him."

Happy without him? I am NOTHING without George. Nothing. I always was nothing. But when u was around George I actually felt like something. I know I'm never going to have that feeling again.

"Five minutes remain."

Bad's spell is going to wear off. When it wears off there's an effect. The person who made the wish. They no longer will have a life to live.

"If you dont believe me thats fine but it's all true. Georges murder was suicide in disguise."

"Shut up. George wouldn't leave me like that."

"4 minutes remain."

"Unless he thought leaving you would make your life better. He always wanted the best for you, didn't he," Sapnap smiled. Not an evil smile. More like a soft smile, like a longing, a similar pain of missing someone I felt.

"3 minutes remain."

"I believe you. Are you also missing someone."

His eyes glimmer for a second. "Yes. My boyfriend. And my other one left and hasn't come back." A tear slips from one of his eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"2 minutes remain."

"Bad a second before the time runs out, snap Sapnaps neck."

We just look at eachother. It's not tense anymore. We were just waiting at this point. Waiting for it all to end.

"I'll see you soon Sapnap."

"1 minute remains."

"I'll be waiting."

------------------------------------------------------ man second to last chapter

I have 15 (not over exaggerating) different book ideas for when this ends and I get a couple more chapters out of Ultimate Mod.

So I'll probably have u guys decide which one comes next and I'll give like 5 options

Anyway have a good day afternoon night

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