My thought process

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So this is just kinda my thought process for the story and yea you don't have to read this it's not that important

I update this when I have ideas and stuff

July 26: so my plan is to have like 15-20 chapters. I want it to go like they do some stealing, they run from police, their car is stolen, tommy breaks his leg, Ranboo being the tall mighty man he is carries him, Ranboo gets things to change their appearance, (I'm just realizing how much Ranboo I have I need more Tubbo) they wander and find techno, techno screws em over and they gots to run again, Tubbo gets shot ;-;, wake up in hospital, (that's a weird word to spell for some reason) Tommy and Ranboo run and dream finds and takes them, he trains them to be stronger and smarter, they end up liking dream and they get a home.

July 27: ok so I think tommy is going to break his leg by rooftop jumping. I kinda want to make it suspenseful and action packed. Probably will make it a long chapter. I'm debating making it Ranboo or Tommy pov but I think I'm going to go with Tommy and then Ranboo since I wanna write him stealing all the crap to make their disguises (no idea what the disguise is gonna be that's for future me to figure out)

Sometime in the middle of the night: AHAHAHA I got a comment on chapter 6 saying they have a bad feeling and I'm going to make it so much worse than I was originally just bc I cannnnnnmnn

July 28: making Tubbo have temporary blindness also in the first update I forgot to add that Tubbo is actually going to die ;-;

July 29: welp I just wrote the death of Tubbo. Not really sure if it's sad or not but it made me sad writing it so. The guy that screwed them over was supposed to be techno but I never really went into specifics with him like I was planning so he was just some random guy who got Tubbo shot ;-;

August 3: so I've been thinking about the ending and I've decided to change it and make the story longer than it was originally going to be. I've decided that dream is an assassin and his backstory is he and George were together but an assassin killed him so now he's training in order to avenge his lost lover. Now I've decided to make it so that Tubbo didn't actually die and was actually brought to a hospital and escaped and is on the loose. Idrk what to add to him so I'll probably think about that.

23:24 August 3: so now I'm debating whether or not Tubbo should be alive bc if I make it that one day they stumble upon his grave it could be all sad n shiz but if he is alive then idrk what to write for Tubbo's time away from them

August 6: I have no idea how I'm going to end this help

August 13: it's been a week since my last update. Oof. Anyway I'm thinking about adding more emotion. I should also say rip Tubbo don't worry your grave will be found <3 I wanna add more like emotion n stuff y'know
(Ngl kinda want to make the readers cry but I also don't wanna be that mean and should probably spare them) oh I'm also dropping the assassin thing and dream is just a crime boi who gets told what to do by BBH bc he's cool and evil in this story bc I can. Omg I'm so powerful as a writer

August 14: man oh man this is gonna be longer then 15-20 chapters my new guess is like 25-35 chapters was not planning on making this so long

August 16: ok to make it easier I'm writing out what I want to happen
Tommy and Ranboo go out and find Tubbo grave, dream thinks they left and becomes sad and gets flashbacks of George, when Ranboo and Tommy get home they see Dream isn't their bc he went out on a mission, they go into his room and find his things, there is a board with the guy who killed George, dream is stalking him and waiting for the right day to kill him and his lover and take his revenge, tommy and Ranboo don't know that and become scared of Dream, dream doesn't know they've been in his room and takes note of the change in their actions around him, tommy and Ranboo confront dream about the board in his room and dream doesn't want to tell them but they are sick of dream always keeping everything from them so Dream tells the whole truth, Tommy and Ranboo decide to help him

August 20 at like 12 am: t i r e d but I update anyway :D

August 20: debating if I should have Tommy hallucinate and see Tubbo maybe schizophrenia but not really since I don't know enough about it to write one of my characters having schizophrenia and I don't wanna got something wrong and offend someone

August 20 again: ok thought of a cute ending. I wanna make it so Dream is now old with a family and he was telling his story to his grandchildren in a warm and cozy home. I think that would be nice

August 22: I want charlie slimecicle to be a messenger for bbh and dream not home and Tommy and Ranboo are there so yeah

Late o clock still August 22: no schizophrenia bc I'm too lazy and I'll put it into another story so I have time to do more research also I want to write I scene where they meet bbh bc I think it would be interesting

August 26: dream doesn't know they've been in his room and takes note of the change in their actions around him, tommy and Ranboo confront dream about the board in his room and dream doesn't want to tell them but they are sick of dream always keeping everything from them so Dream tells the whole truth, Tommy and Ranboo decide to help him, dream gets bbh to help too and they all team up on the guy who killed George and gets dreams revenge *Insert cool fight scene* they go back home and Tommy and Ranboo become official coworkers with dream, then cuts to dream and the little girl and boy and then the book is done

Sep 3: Tommy and Ranboo decide to help him, dream gets bbh to help too and they all team up on the guy who killed George and gets dreams revenge *Insert cool fight scene* they go back home and Tommy and Ranboo become official coworkers with dream, then cuts to dream and the little girl and boy and then the book is done (just reminding)

Sep. 29: I have only 2 more chapters to write. It's going to be so weird yet so cool when I finish this I have a fight scene to write so I better do that so I can finish this up

Sep 30: I finally finished all the chapters. About to post this and that'll be it. Finally complete. Man what a journey this was

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