Divided: Chapter 2- Virtue

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Divided: Chapter 2- Virtue
January 2015
Sir Pentious's Ship

The pair of serpents gazed at one another still feeling the heat of their first kiss. It was rather perplexing for them both as the aroma of breakfast was still in the air.
Knowing Pentious was eager to 'learn' more than just fighting intrigued Montgomery.
"Are ya now Sir Pentious? Didn't think we'd be so 'formal' with the 'Mr Montgomery'. I'd say we're far more comfortable with one another at this rate. Don't ya think...Penny?".
Monty caressed the British snake's neck so tenderly feeling his soft scales. "I wonder how you would perform in another kind of 'arena'?"

Tingles went all over Pen at the touch of the Irish Python's hand caressing his neck. It was almost a heat like fever riddling his body. He wanted nothing more than to kiss this charming serpent again, however, it would be rude to not respond.
"Alright, you have a point about the formalities. May I call you Monty then?" he asked dreamily leaning in again to the blue snake slightly nuzzling his face against the side of Monty's neck. Penny's lips brushed against those clouded blue scales of Monty's neck as Pen spoke "I am a man of many skills, I'd be happy to give you a proper display of my 'capabilities'."

Monty smiled when Penny said his abbreviated name "Yes, Monty is fine...Penny." That soft smile grew warmer and he enjoyed the returned affection of the Englishman. "C-Capabilities?" This surprised Monty that it made him blush with shock at the unexpected answer. "Heh...ok I was not expecting that now." He gave a slight laugh feeling a little dumb for assuming such a thing of Pentious. "What? What weren't you expecting Monty?" Pen sat back with a raised eyebrow looking puzzled at the Irishman.
"Well, I just...thought given your nervousness and such I just...assumed you were..." Monty went tight-lipped and felt he was digging himself a hole or he was about to be thrown out just like the unfortunate egg boy.
Pen's expression shifted from bashful to suspicious "You assumed WHAT about me Monty?" The words were riddled with venom as Pen spoke in annoyance. There was a long minute of silence and Pen could not take it any longer "Spit it out Montgomery!!"

The second Sir Pentious ordered him to speak Monty could not control the words that fell out of his mouth next which he will soon regret. " I THOUGHT YOU WERE A VIRGIN!!" he blushed and a cold sweat started to brew on his brow. He slowly watched as Penny's soft almost docile face shifted into a pretty pissed off snake demon. " YOU ASSUMED I WAS...I-I WAS A..." the rage bubbled inside Pen and the bun that was placed on his head so nicely popped open revealing his bright yellow hood " A VIRGIN!!"

"P-Penny it's alright its a perfectly normal question to ask!" he was babbling and just trying to recover his fuck up. "Can you blame me? You were embarrassed about sharing a shower with me and you got so flustered you did not sleep a wink!"
Sir Pentious was so offended that he stood up towering over Monty. "GET OUT!! YOU...YOU...YOU" He couldn't insult that sweet Irish face but it was also the gradual humiliation of someone assuming such a thing of him.
In his lifetime, Sir Pentious had not dabbled too much with the opposite sex let alone men but he was not a chastity belt wearer by any means. In hindsight, it had just been a couple of decades since he had last been intimate with someone before he dove headfirst into obtaining the egg boys and conquering the Pentagram.

Investing time and money into becoming an Overlord left little to no time for frivolous things such as intimacy and romance. Pen hid his face in his hands as he was a new shade of red Hell had never seen.
Monty got up to console Penny, he patted his shoulder as the taller snake was frantically embarrassed. "Hey...Penny,'s alright? You aren't a virgin. I get that...uh...has it been some time for you?" Monty asked as he pulled the flustered snake in for a hug. Pentious latched on to those strong shoulders and immediately felt a veil of safety and warmth come over him. Pouting he averted his eyes to the kitchen floor as he nestled on Monty's shoulder taking in the fresh scent of some citrus body wash Monty must've used at the gym.
Pentious was silent for a moment but he overcame his stubbornness and muttered something under his breath.
"Sorry, Penny? I didn't catch that? How long?" Monty rubbed the back of Pen's back to comfort the shaken serpent. Pentious took a deep breath and stood up once again eyes shut. His brow twitched but his face was only a slight shade lighter of blush. Inhaling Penny spoke through his teeth "It's been...70 years for me". In reaction to this, he grabbed his fanned out hood and enveloped his face inside it to hide his shame. This hunk of a Celtic Warrior just found out that Pentious does not get around as much! What is going to think of him?

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