Divided: Chapter 25- Gone Away (Vinny)

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Divided: Chapter 25- Gone Away (Vinny)
Monty's Mansion
2:00 am

As Monty pulled into his driveway, the hum of the electric gate sliding closed could be heard. Along with the soft snores of Pentious in the backseat. The gentleman snake had snoozed the 20 min drive which was more than perfect timing for Monty because Penny would be a little soberer to talk to.

Hands-on the steering wheel looking back at Pentious, seeing him so adorably calm and snuggled in that oversized hoodie it was very nice to have a moment of peace after being at the Locker.
The silence was nice but far too eerie for Monty. Dropping his hands from the steering wheel, the Irish snake took a deep breath in and sighed. He had been putting off this all night long. To not only tell someone but reliving his hitman training and torment was not going to be easy. For him nor for Sir Pentious to hear the grotesque mental torture Monty was put through by Diamondback.

It made killing him to save Penny more satisfying.

Soft groans could be heard from the backseat then a soft yet sleepy voice, "M...Monty?"

A wash of serotonin came over the Irishman as he heard that comforting voice. "Hey, there sleepyhead. We're here." Monty looked back smiling at his ex.
Pentious slowly sat up and winced as his tail was cramped into the back of the car.
"Oh? We're at your mansion..." the buzz was now replaced with an alcoholic-infused headache. Squinting his eyes Pen fumbled to find the door handle to stretch his tail.

Opening the door and unfurling his accordion smushed tail was such a relief Pen gave a moan and stretched out on the backseat.
These sounds made Monty look forward and blush as those noises were all too familiar.
"Um...let's go inside Penny. We can make some tea to sober up?"
It felt so odd for Monty to be the responsible one out of the two.
"Tea? Hmmm, I want Doritos." Pen sleepily demanded.
"I think I've got some snacks inside, come on Penny." Monty got out of the car, closing the door. He went to the back seat behind him and saw the outstretched Pentious.
"Right then..." Monty took Penny's arms and pulled him up but in doing so Monty forgot Penny is much taller than him. There was a thud followed by a furious "OUCH OH FUCK! MONTGOMERY!!"

"Ah, I'm sorry Penny! Uh...luckily you drank enough for that to not hurt as much, am I right?" Monty nervously giggled.
Pen scowled up at Monty now that he was sitting up and using the doorframe to hoist himself up.
Wobbling a little Pen held into once again Monty's chest and shoulders for balance.
Blushing at his tipsiness, Pen met Monty's eyes.
"T-thank you Montgomery..." he blushed after being caught by those warm hands on his waist.
"It's perfectly alright Penny. No biggie." Monty replied with a blush and a small smile. "Let's go inside."

Approaching the door holding Pen's waist as they slithered, Monty let his ex rest while he rummaged around his hoodie pocket for his keys, which bewilderedly got tangled with his lucky charm chain. "Ah shite in the bucket...one moment Penny. Heh, t-technical difficulties." He turned away not wanting Sir Pentious to see the charm, thinking he'd get the wrong idea.
"Not a bother Monty. I'll have a walk or perouse of your grounds."
Monty was still focused on detangling the chain he didn't hear fully what Penny had said nor the direction he was headed in. "Aye, that's fine Penny."

Pentious took deep breaths in of the hellish fresh air, being down here so long the Victorian occasionally missed real fresh air but it made do for his befuddled alcoholic head.
As Pentious rounded the corner of the modern sleek decor mansion he came to a row of palm trees that were nestled by the tall white wall that bordered the land.
All symmetrically placed and curving towards the house each with a large rose bush between them but in front of the middle palm tree, there was a small mound.
"That's...odd?" Sir Pentious mumbled to himself as he approached the grassy-covered mound which was speckled with wildflowers. Nowhere else on the lawn had flowers, just this spot.

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