Divided: Chapter 14- Glow Baby Glow!

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Divided: Chapter 14- Glow Baby Glow!
August 2015

Monty's Apartment
Friday 9 am

Morning rose and Sir Pentious had enjoyed the previous day of shopping with Monty. It was such a nice day overall, especially when they went to his ship the Earl Gray HMO to give Monty a much-needed soak.
Penny went all out spoiling his lover with the best bath lotions and potions to ease the Irish Python's muscles. So it was no surprise Monty passed out pretty early and was still dead to the world.

Pentious was up early as he wanted to clean Monty's apartment and make him breakfast. Checking the fridge for the notes they would leave each other one said "Vox Studio Noon- Monty Os commercial."
Monty had mentioned to Pen that there was a gig at the studio which was good in his books as Pen had an appointment with Moxxie at I.M.P around 1:30 pm. All he told Monty was he was going to get some hardware for his next project so Pen would stop by when Monty was done.

Raiding the fridge Pen found some eggs and prepared a bowl of mixed fruit then he grabbed a bag of some crumpets to pop in the toaster.
Quickly making some scrambled eggs while he played the radio, Pen was happily swaying as he cooked for his boyfriend who was sleeping.
Humming to the song on the radio in his comfy robe Pen was feeling like there was nothing in this Afterlife of his that could make him happier. Hopefully, this meeting with Moxxie would be most fruitful and start the search for Monty's mother.

As Pen grooved to the radio music a sleepy Monty emerged from the bedroom, bed hair and T-shirt all rolled up. Yawning and stretching before rubbing the sleep from his eyes to see Penny serving up breakfast.
"Morning Penny," Monty spoke a little groggy but well-rested and refreshed.
"Good Morning my champion I am just serving the eggs. I made scrambled eggs, crumpets and there was some leftover fruit salad."
Monty comes up behind Penny looping his arms around his boyfriend kissing his cheek then down his neck. Softly laughing and blushing at the morning cuddles, Pen nuzzled back but was careful with the hot pan.
"Be careful Monty, don't want to burn you."
"Too bad you're already hot so I have been burnt before" Monty flirted in such a sleepy tone. "Is there coffee made, Penny?"
"No, I was going to bring this to you in bed..." pouting at the surprising breakfast in bed is a little bit spoiled.
"Awww! Thank you, Penny. No worries we can have it here. I will make the coffee or would you prefer a tea?"
"I haven't had my morning coffee yet so I will join you on that beverage, my love." Pen reached up to caress Monty's cheek locking eyes so dreamily with his Irish lover. "You are so handsome."
Monty smiled and gave a half-laugh, "Bed hair and all?"
"Bed hair and all." Pen rested the hot pan on a pot rest to face his drowsy boyfriend to give him a deep kiss.

Pen loved no matter how messy Monty's hair got, it was such a comfort to play with. Looping his arms around that well-built neck and feeling those protective hands on his hips the couple melted into the Good Morning kiss.
Monty broke away and went to make the coffee for the both of them.

Both of them rejoined at the circular breakfast table, Monty handed Penny one of the many Irish Python or Pentagram Arena merchandise mugs. Penny was handed a glossy white one with Irish Python on it while Monty had a deep navy mug with the pentagram arena logo on it.
"Thanks for breakfast Penny." Monty thanked them as he sipped his coffee before digging in.
Despite being sleepy Monty did remember the basic lessons of table etiquette from Penny. Shoulders back and no elbows on the table while the food was in front of you.
"Look at you being all gentry," Penny said in such a light flirty tone. "Before you know it you will be a man of class like myself."
"Class? Oh baby there is nothing classy about you. Not with hips like yours and those moves of yours in the bedroom." Monty smirked, bearing his teeth. Penny blushed as he cupped his mug in his hands looking into the milked coffee. "I...I did warn you I am well educated in the Arts of foreplay...and sexual decorum."

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