Divided: Chapter 16- The Offer

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Divided: Chapter 16- The Offer
Pentious's Ship
August 11:30 am

After the nap, Monty woke up feeling so relaxed nestled in Penny's robe, but that lingering feeling of not only satisfaction. That feeling of dread still weighed on his mind.
"Hello again sleepyhead, you were really out of it thereafter that lesson." Pentious softly spoke as he bookmarked the page he was on to put all his attention on the Irish Python.
"Oh..aye. That was something else, Penny." Monty's tail wagged a little as he looked up at Penny recalling the events before his nap.
However, he let out a big sigh and sat up with the now inevitable topic, resting his chin on his hands.

"Montgomery?" Pentious sat up fixing the fallen robe on his shoulders. "What's the matter, my love?"
"Oh, it's nothing, just some...stuff. I had a meeting with Diamondback...Vox may have a job position for me."
"Really? That's great news! Why are you so glum though?"
"It's...uh a little confidential at the moment but I just I was not expecting a Bodyguard position"
Pentious raised his eyebrow and looked suspicious at this statement.
"That's a very random job position especially since you are a sponsored fighter."
"Aye! You see my problem Penny." Monty paused, taking a deep sigh. "I love fighting...I do! Just...I want to get out of that apartment and I want so much more...".

This saddened Penny as he nuzzled in his cosy robe, "More? More than this? My love, we're happy...aren't we? You have more money than you'll ever need? Aren't you happy with me?"
Quickly whipping his head around Monty was concerned and wide-eyed. "No! T-That's not what I meant Penny!"
He turned towards Penny and looked down at the duvet fiddling with it.
"This job...could get that mansion and possibly once I find my Mother I'd take her in to protect her. If...she's down here or if I can find her..."
Monty was cut off by the warmth of Penny's soft hands on his cheeks before being met with a soft meaningful smooch.

"You are the sweetest man I've ever met Monty! Are you trying to make me fall more in love with you? That's a wonderfully sweet idea!" Penny gave a sweet smile and leaned back on his pillows.
"Oh? Do I need to 'try'?" Monty gave a cheeky smile and started crawling on top of Penny.
"W-why are you looking at me like that Monty?" Pentious blushed and was weary.

Suddenly Monty pounced on Penny playfully pinning him to the bed and dousing him in kisses on his cheek, neck and chest.
"No! Monty! I YIELD!" Pentious pleaded with a sweet giggle as his boyfriend ticklishly kissed him.
Once freed, Pentious cupped Monty's cheek and rested his other hand on his chest. "Whatever you decide, I'll support you, my Champion."
Monty had a big cute smile on his face and he scooped Penny into his arms and cuddled him.
Twisting his tail once again as Penny kissed his cheek the Irishman could not stop smiling at the realisation of how lucky he was. "Thank Penny! That means a lot!"
The two embraced in a pretzel knot and Penny kissed Monty's neck. "Are you doing alright Monty after your lesson?"
"Oh? Yeah...yeah, I am feeling good. R-really good!" Monty melted in the pillows subdued by the after tingles of self-pleasure. "You know what you were doing Penny!"
"Just because I was a celibate for 70 years Montgomery does not mean I was not indulging in my bodily pleasures." Pentious caressed Monty's strong chest before cupping his jawline to kiss him deeply. Melting into that much-needed kiss.
"How about a spot of lunch, my champion? We could cook something?"
"I do have the Semi-Final coming up so I got to go back to eating healthy foods."
"Alright, we can make a grilled chicken Caesar salad, smoothies and some garlic bread!"


The couple playfully sauntered down the halls of the ship to the kitchen. Lacing their fingers together and kissing each other over and over. They just could not keep their hands off one another.
"I'll get the mail Penny."
"Ok, I can toss the salad," Pentious said cheerfully.
Monty at the door leans on the frame and checks out Penny's ass as he slithers away. "Oh believe me I'll be tossing a salad later love" he spoke with a hint of humour.
Sir Pentious's hood popped up for a moment and blush was softly on his cheeks. "Monty! You chancer!"
Laughing at Penny's reaction Monty goes to grab the mail the Egg Boys picked up for their bossman.
He grabbed his mail that he dumped next to it when they arrived earlier. Most were bills for his place, noise complaints about Pentious's ship, parking violations for Penny too but one stood out more than the rest.
It was iridescent and silver with the Voxco logo on it, completely different to Monty's usual payslip. Tucking the pile of mail under his arm Monty opened this mysterious letter easily using his claws. Taking a look at this holographic invitation and letter inside, it looked like he was invited to a party before the Semi-Final.

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