Divided: Chapter 18- Distracted

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Divided- Chapter 18: Distracted
Present Day- Late 2022- 10 pm.

On a rooftop Downtown across from the base of their target, a spider demon was perched readied with his sniper.
While waiting for his target to come out of hiding or in his line of sight he let out a sigh to check his phone.
"Pen hasn't texted in a while? I better text him.." Arackniss thought to himself. "Nah...Nah it's all fine to let them get closure. It's only fair it's been five years."
Moving back and forth to his sniper sight and his phone on top of the case for his gun, Arackniss wasn't exactly paying attention to what he was doing or saying for that matter.
"Oh my god! They're fucking, aren't they! Reminiscing of the 'good times' got them all hot and heavy for one another again! This was a bad idea!" Arackniss pulls away from his sniper and pinches his brow. "Yup they're fuckin! Monty and his stupid sexy Irish accent and his Himbo ways seduced MY Pen back into his comfy fucking arms!!"

Arackniss was taken aback as Angel was next to him with nighttime vision binoculars in his hands. Wearing a very befitting cocktail dress to get close to this target the client wanted to be killed.
"Christ on a stick! Anthony, don't do that, you scared the crap out of me!"
"Really? Because of the way you were yammering on like a chihuahua in heat about Monty and Pen getting the closure I can't fuckin focus on when to move in", Angel was rightfully pissed off. "Since when did you get distracted so easily?"
Arackniss was a little pissed off but then he got embarrassed as he didn't realise he was thinking aloud.

"I...I'm not distracted, Anthony..." Arackniss sits down on the crappy fold up a chair they had and opens the cooler to take out a beer. Not his go to but chilled Wild Pegasus in a cooler wasn't ideal for a stakeout on a target.
"Soooo...the whole..." clears throat to do an impersonation of his older brother, "Oh my god! They're fuckin! Yup, they're fuckin! Aaah I'm so secretly crushing on Monty I'm a jealous little man with a small cock!" Angel clears his throat and starts giggling at the look on his older brother's face.
"I don't sound like that! I-I'll have you know Anthony I'm 'decently packing'" he crossed his legs out of humiliation that his brother teased him so.
"It's your fault."
Niss jolted back up to look Anthony dead in the eye, "Excuse me?".
"Yeah, your whole petty jealousy thing is stupid my guy."
"I-I have every right to be jealous and it's ok to want a monogamous relationship."
"Ah, so you do have a crush on Monty." Smirked Angel Dust as he turned to join his brother on the fold-up plastic chair.
"I...no I don't." Arackniss pouted and folded his lower arms on his now crossed lap. Averting his eyes to the ground not looking at anything in particular just to avoid the subject.

"Look big little bro it's ok! I told ya before if ya got a crush just leave it but did ya? No, ya didn't ya got stone-cold piss drunk and did the devil's tango with both snakes!"
"Well I-I don't remember any of it just...the wild animal parts of Pen.."
Arackniss blushed as he pretended not to remember the night of the threesome.
"Wait?" Angie noticed a slight change in Nissy's body language when that topic was mentioned. Being a porn star he had gained the skills to read people.
He let out a gasp and pointed at his older brother, "HOLY SHIT! You do remember, don't you Niss!" He let out another gasp. "That's why you're jealous!! Monty wants Pen so you're pushing him away by doing playground rules with him! Oh, this makes a whole world of sense why you kept being so fuckin petty and shit when we took Pops and that karaoke stuff before."

Arackniss bit his lip and he wanted to tell Angel he was wrong. Yell at him he was stupid for thinking such a crazy thing but he couldn't lie to Anthony, "Yeah...you know me too well Anthony."
Rubbing his face then his fluffy mop of hair Niss honestly felt relieved somebody figured it out rather than him being a jealous guy.
"You're crushing on Monty but you love Pen right?"
"Course I do! I love Pen but Monty...he may be dumb but Pen was right he's got skills."
"As a 'hitman' right?" Angel teased.
"Y-yeah his 'hitman' skills are really good and the way he uses them...fuck..."
"So you do remember the threesome, no wonder you kept getting snappy every time I mentioned it or joked about it." Angel raised a brow in response to all the times Niss did snap at him or get flustered.
"Ok...dropped the hitman innuendo quickly there," Arackniss said, blinking in confusion.

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