Divided: Chapter 12- Davy Jones Locker

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Divided: Chapter 12- Davy Jones Locker

Present Day- Late 2022, 8:30 pm

Once the Egg Boys were given a stern reminder of the rules and the box was tidied away the two serpents headed back outside to Monty's car. The sky blue Mustang with a white roof.
Getting into the car the relief of knowing alcohol was mere minutes away.
Sir Pentious was more a tea beverage person to soothe his nerves but let's face it this evening was turning into the most stressful and emotionally riddled since their Last Night five years ago.
The whole adventure with Vox was like a cakewalk compared to this.

Monty's Car

Heading out of the city and towards this very rundown grotesque dockyard, Pen was getting a sinking feeling as Monty drove down this dock.
"Where are you taking me Montgomery? This is the most gruelling place I've seen and that's saying something."

Monty drove further past some warehouses, "Ah it's around here somewhere? It's not hard to miss. Look out for shipwrecks will you Penny?"
It was then Pen looked at his hat for something consoling but alas it mimicked what he thought despite being sentient. Averting his eyes to his Himbo driver, Pen was more confused.
"I'm sorry shipwrecks? Monty, we're on land. You were a sailor, yes?"
"Aye, Penny I know that!" Monty chuckled. "It's near the pirate ships and all the abandoned cruisers over the decades."

Wide-eyed, Pen was now more than concerned, "Excuse me but did you say, pirates?!"
Monty turned the car between some warehouse and this mist started to emerge so he turned on his headlights.
"Yes pirates, Penny. They're a great craic to be around!" He says this with a playful grin on his face. "You'd enjoy them! They've grown softer to British folk and I think you'd love Teach, he's a good laugh!"

Sir Pentious was bewildered, Monty hung out with pirates! Pirates!!
"Teach? Wait, as in Edward?"
"Aye? Do you know he's the one with the thick black beard?"
Blinking in disbelief Sir Pentious stated the obvious of who Edward was, "EDWARD TEACH! AS IN BLOODY BLACKBEARD!"
"Yeah! You heard of him, Penny?"
"Have I...?! Monty! He's one of the most ruthless pirates in all of history!!"
Monty looks around to find the venue and he sees a swinging lantern in the distance.
"Sure but he's just a simple casino bar owner now Penny."

Disbelief was putting it mildly what Pen was expressing as the car crawled into the veil of mist making the safety of warehouses and anything visible disappear. The uncertainty Sir Pentious had made him regret not having his ray gun on him.
"Monty, do you have any idea where you're going!? It's just fog!" a tremble could be heard in Penny's voice.
Monty, although concentrating rolled his eyes at Penny being a backseat driver. He follows this now floating lantern. This part of the docklands was well protected by the mystical fog and if you've been here a few times you'd know the path. "Penny! Please relax, I know what I'm doing."

The thick endless fog continued and it felt like the pier was never-ending which made Pen wonder when they were going to drop into the water.
Looking out the window into the nether, Pen had never seen such a phenomenon like this. Piquing his curiosity, Pen was about to roll down the window but Monty stopped him.
"Don't open the window..." Monty stopped the car because he knew his headlights would attract something at this point. "Don't move Penny and don't panic. Just getting past security..." Monty stops his car behind another vehicle ahead of them.

"Security? Wh-!" Just as Penny spoke there was a thud on the car that shook it violently. On Penny's side of the car, there was a bright pair of yellow eyes and a red glow hanging from its horrific face. Pen scrambled over in a panic towards Monty who covered their mouths so as not to scream.

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