The morning after

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Katya woke up anxious again. She run her hand through her hair. She was so sweaty, maybe moving to LA wasn't the best idea. Another day started. She decided to get some coffee and try to do some yoga before going to work. She didn't hate working at the gardening center, the hours were good and she liked her boss Latrice (who was such a sweet woman) but getting out of bed was hard. Sometimes she wanted to just stay and sleep all day. Today she decided to try.

She made her way to the kitchen. Gigi - one of her roommates - was making some pancakes for breakfast and scrolling through her phone. She was a couple years younger than her but it didn't bother Katya very much.

"Hi Katy. Do you want a pancake?"

"Thank you Gig you are my savior" Katya giggled. She sat down after grabbing a cup of coffee. Food wasn't always on the top of her list.

"You know we need to keep you alive grandma" the young girl smiled and flipped the pancake.

"I'm 27 not 60 and Bob is older than me" she said crossing her arms.

"I'm feeling very attacked" he said walking into the kitchen "you are our grandma" he kissed the top of her head. She just rolled her eyes at him.

Her day was pretty good. She didn't have to deal with any annoying customers and they just brought new colorful flowers to put on display. This was one of her favorite things about her job.

"You are very quiet today buttercup"

"I'm okay just tired" Katya said smiling but the smile didn't reach her eyes. She didn't want to break down in front of her boss again. Even though she knew that her boss was almost as stubborn as Katya herself.

"You always say it" Latrice said looking at Katya. She picked up a basket filled with red roses "Don't lie buttercup"

Katya sight "I'm sorry" she started to play with her fingers "it's been rough lately"

"See how easy it is" the women took out some money from her bra "Go and get us some coffee and cookies so we can talk" the Russian stood up and grabbed the money.

This was a regular thing. Katya was so grateful, Latrice was basically her personal therapist. Not that she could afford actual therapy. After she graduated high school she moved out of her parents house and never looked back. They were horrible homophobic people. Katya started collage but eventually dropped out because she couldn't afford it and her mental health was really bad. She studied art it was her true passion. She used to spend all of her days drawing, painting or photographing beautiful things. Now she sometimes drew in her sketchbook but that was it. She just couldn't find motivation. The Russian was living with 3 people Bob, Gigi and Adore. The place was okay not luxurious but she had her own bedroom and bathroom, it was enough. Her roommates were amazing and all of them were gay. She was very relieved when she found out about it. She didn't want to hide anymore. The money was tight but she tried her best. After she and her girlfriend Violet broke up she didn't even look for any romantic relationship. Violet was an interesting person and so was their relationship. They started as close friends and Katya liked her a lot but it just didn't work out. They just looked for different things in life. At least that's what Katya told herself.

The shop was at the bottom of the mall. Katya had to get to the top floor to get coffee. She stood in the line like she always did. Her usual order was black iced coffee and red velvet cookie for herself, vanilla latte and chocolate cookie for her boss. The barista packed her order into a little bag, she gave him a smile. Walking out she felt her phone vibrate, she took it out of her pocket. It was just a stupid Netflix notification. She put it back and started walking back.

A women bumped into her. So she stopped in the middle of the hallway. When she looked up she couldn't believe her eyes. There was a huge poster in front of her. She didn't know what to do. So she just steered. The poster shown some makeup and a women. Beautiful women. Someone that Katya wasn't ready to see.

Trixie Fucking Mattel


It's starting slow but I promise it will get more heated later.💜

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