I will always love you

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Katya woke up with the sun light on her face, she rolled around in the bed. She was a little sore from last night, but she was so fucking happy. Her body pressed against Trixie's from behind. She could feel her hard nipples press into her girlfriends back. The Russian kissed the top of her neck, just below her hair line. She couldn't stop smiling, her life was finally good. She had a job a beautiful girl, her mental and physical health was better than it has ever been. She was so grateful for meeting Trixie again.

"Hi Kitty" the blonde rolled around and kissed her lips, it was a little sloppy and Trix was still a little sleepy but it was definitely cute "Why are you up it's so early"

"I missed you" Katya said smiling wide.

Trixie rolled her eyes and kissed her teeth "Right, I thought that you had enough yesterday" she smirked.

"You know that I can never get enough" Katya pushed Trixie down and kissed her lips passionately. The Barbie didn't like that, she quickly turned them around pushing her hips down into Katya's.

"Don't forget" Trixie kissed her neck "who do you belong to" Katya's body was painted with bruises, the blonde smiled and kissed one of them softly. She truly knew that Katya belong to her before she said anything.

"I'm yours mommy" Katya moaned "only yours" her hips moved up, she needed attention.

Trixie grabbed Katya's leg and pulled it up. She positioned her pussy on top of her girlfriend's. She looked up to check if Katy was still enjoying it, she went hard on her last night and wanted to make sure that her baby is okay. Katya nodded and said "Please do it, I want it" Trixie just laughed at how easy her girl was.

"You are such a good slut" she pushed her hips down and both of them moaned. Trixie put her hands next to Katya's head. They started to move together, Katya's flexibility really help with this position.

"Fuck you feel so good mommy" the girl moaned,
she was still sensitive.

"Baby girl" Trixie kissed her lips "I love you"

"I love you too mama" Katya thrown her head back but Trixie moved it back, she kissed her lips gently and whispered.

"I will always love you" she said looking down into her blue eyes. The younger girl wanted to cry and scream at the same time but decided to just kiss her girl again.

Her life finally felt like a dream.

The end <3

So this is the end but don't be sad. I already started another story 'Instagram story' you can check it out. If you liked this one you should enjoy that one as well ... if you know what I mean 😈

Thank you for all the votes and comments, you guys are so great.

Stay safe out there 💜

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