Dark times

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Trigger warning

Everything was amazing and Katya was terrified. When something went good in her life she started to create problems. She would overthink even the little things. Her and Trixie didn't talk for a day - she was sure that Trixie was mad at her. Trixie didn't reply to her text - she must hate her. Trixie had a business meeting - she might find someone better.

Katya couldn't sleep again another nightmare. She was filled with anxiety, her breathing was heavy. Her body was shaking. The bed was filled with sweat. She literally couldn't sleep without Trixie being next to her. She felt alone sleeping in her own bed in her own apartment. For the last few weeks she was basically living at Trixie's place. Her girlfriend had an important meeting in the morning, so she didn't want to call her. Even tho Trixie asked her to do so.

"If you feel anxious please call or text me kitten" she kissed her forehead. Katya cuddled closer "Can you promise?"

"I promise"

Katya decided to go to the bathroom and wash her face with cold water. She looked terrible, red puffy eyes, crazy hair. She pulled her hair away from her face into a little ponytail. 

Still shitty.

The Russian wanted a cigarette but she haven't had one in a while and wanted to keep it that way. She went downstairs to get a cup of tea. Katya haven't eaten anything today, maybe she should. Trixie will be mad if she finds out about it, she doesn't like when Katya skipped meals but she hated when her girlfriend lied to her. The Russian's head was spinning again.

"Katya are you okay?" she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Shit" Katya almost dropped her cup "You scared me Adore"

"Grandma please" they grabbed an apple and took a big bite "What are you doing here this late anyway?" they raised their brow "You have been starting at the wall, you didn't hear me come in?"

"Just wanted some tea"

"At 2 am" they said mockingly.

Katya was to stressed for this "Whatever Adore fuck you"

"Girl what's up" they walked closer to Katya and gave her a small smile "Did something happened between you and Trixie? Did you break up?"

"No I just ..." Katya scratched her neck.


"Everything is so good and ..."

"And you're scared that something bad is going to happen" Adore said and Katya nodded "Listen you don't know what's going to happen in the future but you should focus on the things that are happening right now. Okay? Can you at lest try?"

Katya smiled "I will" the Russian pulled Adore into a hug "I needed that"

"I'm the best at past midnight conversations" they gave her roommate a big smile and a tight hug "she cares about you, this time it will be different. Text her"

Katya pulled away "I don't want to bother her"

"Grandma ... come on do it you said you will try"

"Okay okay I will text her" she said rolling her eyes and walked upstairs to her room.

Katya sat down on her bed, she was biting her fingernails. Phone in hand.

Katya ❤️
I had a hard night
And I haven't eaten today
I'm sorry

Katya didn't expect Trixie to text her back so quickly.

Trixie 💖
Baby don't be sorry
Are you safe, are you okay?
Do you want me to go to your place?
Because I can

I'm better now
You don't have to but I appreciate it

I'm glad you're feeling better
Can you try to eat something tomorrow?
For me kitten
Maybe we can get lunch together

I would love that , I miss you
But your meeting

I miss you too baby
Don't worry about it sweetheart
I will handle it I know the boss

Katya giggled and bit her lip. She got an idea. Trixie already made her feel better. It was scary but also exiting.

Oh yeah but be careful I heard she is a bitch

Yeah me too kitten me too

They texted each other for a while, until Katya was to tried to hold her eyes open. The Russian girl couldn't stop smiling. She managed to fall asleep, this time it was really peaceful. She woke up to a Good morning sweetheart text from Trixie and almost cried. How did she get so lucky?

I'm back

Sorry for the long break but a lot have happened in my life. Good things. So don't worry.

I will try to update this soon but can't promise anything.

Stay safe 💜

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