Truly mine

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Trixie pushed Katya's body against the wall. The Russian girl moaned into her parted lips. They were passionately making out.

"My baby girl" Trixie whispered "only mine"

"Only yours mommy" she kissed her lips before getting on her knees "please let me" Katya looked up her blue eyes were almost black, Trixie grabbed her head and pushed it into her pussy. She was still fully clothed but Katya started to lick her lips through the pink panties. She didn't want to wait anymore. Trixie was grinding her hips into Katya's face.

"Fuck kitten your going to make me come from this" Trixie said before pulling Katya up by her shoulders, so she could kiss her again "but I don't want it yet, not like that" she smirked. Katya just licked her lips "take of your dress, take of your underwear and lay down"

Katya did what she was told. She couldn't stop smiling, she was so happy to finally be Trixie's girlfriend. Again. But this time is different. She could fell it.

"My Kitty" Trixie got on top of her, she was also naked now. Her heavy chest was pushed against Katya's. They kissed, Trixie smiled softly and pushed her girl's hair away from her face "I don't want anything crazy tonight"

"Me neither, just wanted to be close to you mama" Katya blushed and made grabby hands. The older woman just chuckled. She positioned her pussy on top of Katya's. Both of them were already wet enough. She didn't even need much tonight, she was exhausted after the party. Katya lifted herself a little bit and moved with Trixie. They didn't talk much just enjoyed each other. Katya thrown her head back into the pillow and pushed her nails down into Trixie's back "Come with me kitten" the Barbie whispered softly "Do it for me" this was all she needed. Of course Trixie was quick to follow. Her body fell on top of Katya's. She was taking deep breaths.

"Are you okay mommy?" she whispered against Trixie's ear.

"I'm okay baby" she kissed her lips and the tip of her nose "but I'm really tired"

"Let's take a bath, please" Katya run her fingers through her hair "it will make you feel better mama"

"Okay Kitty"

They made their way into the bathroom, Trixie was almost falling asleep while sitting on the toilet. Katya moved quickly to prepare the bath, she used Trixie's vanilla shower gel to create bubbles. She took of her own makeup. Then grabbed Trixie's skin care and started to remove her makeup. She was softly creasing Trixie's face. The Barbie smiled and opened her tired eyes "Thank you kitten" a single tear run down her face. Katya wiped it away with her finger

"Why are you crying mama?" she whispered and kissed her cheek.

"No one has ever treated me like this" she looked down "No one cared about me"

Katya's heart broke "I care" she grabbed her face in her hands "I like you for you Trix" she said in a serious tone "I don't give a shit about all of those things, the parties ..." she shook her head "you know that right?" she looked right into her eyes.

"I know Katy, I know" she said with a smile. Both of them nodded and kissed. They took a long bath cuddling and whispering sweet things into their lips. There was nothing sexual about it.

They fell asleep holding each other close.

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