Morning rush

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Katya woke up in an unfamiliar place. She had a terrible headache. The last thing she remembered was dancing with Adore and Bobby. She got up from the bed. What happened? This is not her apartment, she is not wearing her clothes. Did she went back to someone's house? Did she had sex?

"You woke up Kitty" Trixie appeared out of nowhere. Did they do anything? Did she call Trixie?

"Hi Trix" Katya didn't know what to do with herself.

"Maybe you take a shower and I will make breakfast. Okay? I'm sure it will make you feel better"

Katya just nodded. Trixie gave her some clothes and a towel. Katya looked in the mirror, she had dark eye circles and her head was still hurting. In the shower she tried to remember last night. Some things got back to her. She had a panic attack, Trixie picked her up from the club, they fell asleep, nothing happened. She took a deep breath. She still didn't know what to think about her and Trixie. Part of her wanted to give Trixie another chance but on the other hand she was still scared to get hurt. She couldn't lie to herself. The blonde woman was extremely important to her and Katya couldn't imagine her life without her again.

Katya decided worry about it later.

She made her way to the kitchen. Trixie was making pancakes. She put on her pink apron, that woman was so extra. Katya felt so much better after her shower, Trixie gave her a soft hoodie and sweatpants. Pink of course. The clothes were a little too big but Katya was grateful.

"Here you should eat" Trixie put a plate in front of Katya.

"Thank you Trixie, for everything really I don't know what to say" Katya could feel her cheeks turn red.

"Katya you don't have to say anything" she smiled and handed Katya some coffee. Black coffee. She remembered. The younger girl could feel her stomach fill with butterflies. How did she get so lucky?

The girls talked and ate some of the pancakes. Katya was full but Trixie encouraged her to eat some more.

"Okay I wish we could stay here all day but I have to go to the office" Trixie said looking apologetic.

"I already wasted your time today. It's fine. I should be the one to say sorry"

"Hay kitten" Trixie reached across the table to hold Katya's hands "you didn't waste my time" she squeezed her hands. Katya looked up. The younger girl stared into Trixie's brown eyes. The air was thick around them Katya wanted to lean in and kiss her.

She didn't do it.

Because they are friends.


"Okay I should go" the Russian pulled away. She stood up from her seat. Trixie followed.

"I can give you ..."

"No no I want to take a walk" Katya cut her off.

They said their goodbyes. Katya thanked Trixie again. At this point her hangover was almost gone. Her walk was pretty nice. She happened to live not to far away from Trixie. She was still amazed that they didn't run into each other.

"Katya is that you" Gigi's voice was raspy, she still looked hangover.

"Yes Gig. How are you feeling?"

"Why are you wearing a pink hoodie?" Bob came into the room "You were at Trixies"

"Uuu grandma got some action" Gig teased her. Suddenly she wasn't hangover anymore.

"Yes I was at Trixies. No we didn't do anything. We are friends"

"Mhmm friends" Bob smiled. His white teeth were on full display.

Katya just flipped them off and quickly went to her room. Suddenly she felt really tired.

When Katya got into her room, she immediately laid down in her bed. Trixies hoodie was so great, she could still smell her vanilla perfume. It make her feel safe.

She ended up falling asleep.

When she woke up it was already dark outside. She reached for her phone to check the time. Of course her phone was dead. The second she put the charger in her phone she got a notification.

It was a text from Trixie. Without thinking Katya opened it.

Trixie 💞:

I really wanted to kiss you today.

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