One more chance

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"Kitty what's wrong" Trixie said and turned of the tv show that they were watching. Katya has been acting weird lately. They have been dating for 3 months, after being friends for 6 months. Trixie knew when Katya was going through something.

"Nothing" the younger said avoiding Trixie's eyes. She started to play with her fingers.

"We talked about it, no lying baby" Trixie lifted her chin. Katya saw her girlfriend's kind brown eyes.

"I'm scared that you will leave me here and I will be all alone" she whispered, feeling tears dripping from her eyes. She didn't have friends. Her russian accent didn't help and she was to anxious to talk to people. She was scared that new people would make fun of her, judge her sexuality.

On top of that her family has been getting worst.

"Why kitten" the Barbie kissed her girlfriend's lips and wiped her tears.

"You are graduating in a month and going to college and ..."

"Have I ever mentioned college?" Trixie stoped Katya's rambling. The younger girl seemed surprised and a little bit confused.

"No you didn't but I assumed you will leave"

"Well I'm not going to college this year I don't even know if I ever will. I'm already looking for a job to make some money. I'm not leaving you alone kitten"

Katya felt overwhelmed with joy. She got on Trixie's lap and kissed her passionately. They started to fight for domination of course Trixie won. They made out for a while. Trixie pushed Katya's body so she was fully laying down on the couch.

"I love you Trix" she whispered in between kisses.

"I love you too Kitty" Trixie gently touched Katya's face "I will always love you"

The Russian girl was so happy she could literally die.


Katya wanted to die.

Trixie looked incredible. She didn't change much. She just upgraded. Her makeup went from good to flawless, her hair was beautifully styled long and blonde. Her body was perfect tiny waist, peachy ass and squishy thighs. Katya decided not to think about Trixie's big boobs squeezed into the tiny pink suit she was currently wearing. She didn't even notice her white bra picking out. Not at all. Why is she so fucking hot? And rich?

The guard that was escorting them opened the door for Katya and Adore. They were presented with the "backstage" of Trixie's meet and greet.

"Do you want something to drink?" a girl with purple hair appeared out of nowhere.

"No we are fine. Thank you" Adore answered fast. Katya just smiled and nodded.

They sat down on a pink couch and waited for Trixie.

"Sorry I don't have a lot of time" she said walking into the room, her hair flopped up and down. She was walking incredibly fast for someone who was wearing a pair of extremely high heels "Jan can you get me an iced coffee?"

"Of course miss Mattel" the assistant (Katya assumed Jan was Trixie's assistant) moved quickly. Trixie was given her coffee with less than a minute.

"Kitty I can't believe you are here" Trixie turned to look at her "Do you live here? How are you doing? I have so many questions" she said smiling. She didn't change, maybe Katya was wrong about her.

"Yes ... I do live here" Katya said feeling kind of shy. Trixie smiled even wider. Someone called her name. She ignored it.

"I would love to meet up and talk. How about Friday for drinks?" she looked at Katya and then noticed Adore "you can bring your girlfriend if you want" she said a little less enthusiastic.

"I'm not her girlfriend" Adore answered and pulled a disgusted face.

"I'm single" Katya followed. Why did she want Trixie to know that?

"Oh sorry I assumed that you guys ..." she was cut off by someone calling her again "shit, I need to go but Jan  ...  JAN ... give Katya my private phone number okay" the purple haired girl nodded.

"Text me about the details" the Barbie pointed at Katya.

"I will" for the first time today Katya actually smiled showing her teeth. She could feel that warm feeling spread across her body. It was something that she didn't feel in a while.

"Kitty I'm so happy to see you again. Can't wait" Trixie screamed leaving the room.

They sat in silence.

Katya could feel the blush that appeared on her cheeks. She was still processing this whole situation.

"Girl you are fucked" Adore said maybe a little too loud.

Jan laughed and quickly apologized.

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