Date night

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Katya decided to organize the back room. She wanted to take her mind off the date with Trixie.

She was excited and anxious. Things had been great and that's what was scaring her. What if they don't have things in common anymore? What if they don't want the same thing? What if Katya is too poor to date Trixie? She didn't even know if she could afford the dinner tonight. She made enough money to pay rent and buy food but that's about it. She run her fingers through her hair pushing it away from her face.

"Hay buttercup" Latrice screamed from the front of the shop "you got a package"

"I don't know what this is" Katya said confused, walking from the back room. The second she saw the box she knew who sent it. She gently peeled layers of pink paper to reveal the note.

Can't wait to see you tonight.
I hope you like it <3

Katya saw a beautiful black dress. It was short and sparkling. The Russian took it out of the box. It was definitely something that she would choose herself. All of her tattoos will be on display, she will look hot tonight.

"Someone got lucky" her boss said smirking "It's really cute"

"It's beautiful" Katya said with a sparkle in her eyes.

Katya got ready pretty fast. The dress was perfect. She stood outside because Trixie wanted to pick her up.

"Hello how much?" Trixie rolled down her window and smirked.

"Honey I'm the best Russian hooker in this country" Katya said with a thick Russian accent. Both women laughed looking into each other's eyes.

"Get in Kitty"

Katya opened the door and quickly sat down. She turned to look at Trixie. She was wearing a light pink dress, it made her look even more curvy. Katya thought that the other girl looked beautiful.

"Trixie" Katya started looking down at her fingers "thank you for the dress" she whispered.

"You look beautiful baby, I'm glad you like it"

Trixie made sure that Katya was taken care of. She opened the door for her, she moved her chair so Katya could sit down. It felt so good. Katya didn't have to do anything. Trixie even ordered for the younger girl. The atmosphere was nice. This was a perfect moment.

"Trixie can I ask you something?"

"Of course kitten"

"Did you ... do you want to ... huh" Katya was nervous, she didn't want to screw things up.

"Kitty it's okay. You know you can ask me anything" Trixie smiled softly.

"Do you want get back together with me? I just want to make sure we are on the same page" Katya took a deep breath "I don't want to be your "friend with benefits" We don't have to move really fast and I don't know ... move in together but I need to know what you think about" She could feel the blush on her face. She focused on her fingers.

"Katya look at me" Trixie said, her tone was stern but she didn't sound angry. The younger girl looked up "I care about you okay. I don't want to be your fuck buddy or something. I want to have a relationship with you. We will do whatever feels right"

Katya felt her smile grow. She stood up form her chair and kissed Trixie's lips. It was a quick peck but it meant a lot.

"You couldn't wait Kitty" Trixie mumbled against Katya's lips. The Russian shook her head and bit her lip.


Why did they dictated to watch 50 shades of Grey? Trixies parents were out of town and of course Katya spend the weekend at her house. She was the one who wanted to watch it, it was supposed to be fun maybe a little bit cringe.

But she liked it. Or maybe she liked to imagine herself in it. She was embarrassed. She could feel her pussy get wet with every moan that came from the tv.

She was a virgin before her relationship with the older girl. Now her and Trixie had sex but they didn't do anything crazy. Just simple touches, kisses and holding hands. It was good.

Another scene started on the screen.

The girl was tide up.

Katya wanted Trixie to tie her up. She wanted to be choked, she wanted to be spanked, she wanted to ...

"Kitty can we watch something different?"

"Huh ... yeah sure" Katya could feel Trixies body press against hers. She could feel her breath on her cheek.

Trixie smirked "Unless you like it" she traced her finger up and down Katya's arm "you know we can do anything you want. What's the worst thing that can happen"

Katya swallowed hard. Her hands were shaking. Her mind was blurry. She could feel her nipples get hard.

"Do you want it baby?" Trixie nibbled on her ear "Do you want to be my baby girl? Huh Do you want to be good for me?" the older girl traced her hands down Katya's body. She was touching her stomach underneath her shirt.

"I want it" Katya whispered in a small voice.

Trixie's hand made it into Katya's panties. She pulled them down. Katya was now just in her oversized t-shirt, leaning against Trixie. The Russian girl moaned and laid back giving Trixie more space.

"Your so wet for me" Trixie kissed her neck "It makes you wet to watch other people fuck. What a slut"

Katya's eyes rolled to the back of her head. Trixie noticed "You like being called a slut" she chuckled ironically "What a dirty girl" her hand was working really fast at this point. Katya was so turned on that she was already on the edge of orgasm.

"Trix ... Can I ... I need to" Katya almost screamed.

"I don't know what you mean baby. Maybe you should try harder" Trixie fucked her harder, sliding her fingers in and out of her pussy. The room was filled with wet sounds and Katya's moans.

"Can I please cum mommy"

Trixie felt her body react to THAT word. She leaned down and kissed Katya's lips hard, touching her clit at the same time "Cum baby girl, cum for me" Katya's body was shaking, she screamed into Trixie's mouth. The older girl fucked her girlfriend through the orgasm.

After a second Katya started to breathe normally. She was basically falling asleep in Trixies arms.

"You did so good baby" Trixie kissed her forehead and cuddled her girlfriend.

First smut 💜 hope you liked it because this is just the beginning 😈

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