Sweet dreams

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"Trixie" Katya screamed running into Trixie's open arms. The taller girl hugged her tiny friend. She chuckled. Adore was nowhere to be found.

"Hi Kitty. Are you okay?"

"I'm a little bit sleepy" Katya's chin was pressed into Trixie's chest.

"Okay" Trixie pushed a pice of hair away from Katya's face "let's go home"

Trixie was relieved to see Katya happily dance in her car chair. She was even singing, she did make up the words of the songs. Right now she was singing about ravioli. It was cute as fuck.

When the older blonde received the phone call she was terrified. Katya was really important to her.

At first she wanted to take her back to her own house but the drunk girl was in no shape to give Trixie any directions. So she just decided to take her to her own apartment. They used to sleep in the same bed it's not like they are strangers.


She parked her car and made sure that Katya didn't hurt herself while getting out of the car.

"You have a pink couch"

"Yes are you surprised"

"No you are just" Katya moved her fingers in front of Trixie's face "PINK"

"Okay kitten" Trixie just laughed "you need to lay down"

"Sure mommy"

Trixie froze, her body reacted faster than her mind.


Katya used to call her Mommy or Mama. They were young and inexperienced but they enjoyed having sex. Kinky sex. Sure back then Trixie didn't know the things that she knows now. She knows what she wants, she knows what she likes and doesn't like and most importantly she knows how to be a great dominatrix.

She looked down into Katya's eyes she wanted to kiss her. She wanted to fuck her.

But she couldn't.

Katya was too drunk.

They were friends.


Taking things slow.

"Let's go honey" she grabbed Katya's hand. They made it into the bedroom. The younger girl jumped on the bed.

"Can you help me?" she looked so fucking cute. She played with her fingers.

"Of course kitten"

Trixie quickly helped her take off her shoes and clothes. It was difficult but she made it. Then she grabbed her makeup remover and skin care to make sure that Katya's face is clean. The girl just smiled showing her perfect teeth.

"Trix" Katya reached her arms around Trixie's shoulders "you are my favorite person"

Trixie didn't know what to say.

"Can we lay down?" Katya asked pulling away just a little bit.

"You want me to lay down with you. I can go to the ..."

"Noooo" Katya held Trixie close again "don't leave me alone"

"Okay okay, let's lay down"

Just as Trixie thought Katya fell asleep in almost a minute. Her tiny body was pressed against Trixie's. The older woman just run her fingers through her hair and followed the lines of Katya's tattoos. They were all over the Russian's body. She looked beautiful. So different. Her hair was shorter and lighter than it used to. Trixie liked it, it looked nice and matched her personality. Her makeup skills got a little bit better, she was still wearing her red lip dark eye combo it was just better than in high school. Trixie wanted to tell her what she really felt like. She was just anxious that Katya doesn't feel the same way or that Trixie will scare her away. The thing is that, from the moment the blonde saw her ex she knew that all she wanted was to get back together.

Trixie was staring at the ceiling.

She can have whoever she wants. Men and women were all over her, she was hot, like porn Barbie hot. Yet she wanted Katya and Katya only. For years she tried to date other people but it was never successful. She just got bored after about a month. They also didn't care about her as a person. They cared about her money. Some made it more obvious than others but in the and it was all about the money.

Katya didn't care about the money.

Katya cared about her.

Trixie ended up falling asleep cuddling into Katya's body. That night she dreamed of red lips and blue eyes.

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