Comfort zone

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"So Kitty are you going to tell me where are we going?" Trixie asked smiling

"Turn left here" Katya pointed at a side road "it's a surprise Trix. You're so inpatient"

"I'm the one driving you should tell me where to go"

"You're doing great" Katya smirked. She has been planning this for about two weeks now. She wanted to surprise her girlfriend. She graduated high school it meant a lot to her, she was finally free "you  can stop here" Katya said and both of them got out of car. Katya grabbed Trixie's hand and led her to the place she prepared earlier. There was a blanket pillows and fairy lights. It looked even better when it got dark now.

"Did you do this for me?" Trixie asked smiling. Katya nodded and blushed. The Barbie picked her girlfriend up and kissed her "you are something different baby" Trixie kissed her lips again.

"I have something for you" Katya said against Trixie's lips. The smaller girl was put back down even tho she didn't want to. Katya grabbed her backpack, quickly took out her gift. She also brought some food and drinks.

"Okay let me see" Trixie made grabby hands. She pulled out the paper to reveal a beautiful painting.
She was quiet so Katya's nervousness was high.

"I used the water colors you got me for my birthday" she said looking down. Katya tried to paint Trixie, it was more abstract than what she actually looked like. It was mostly a bunch of pink blobs and blonde curls thrown around the canvas.

"I love it" the older girl moved closer and pecked on Katya's lips "it's perfect, so pink" she whispered giggling.

"I'm glad you like it babe" Katya was blushing hard. She was usually to insecure about her art. It was never good enough in her eyes. Trixie always made sure to complement her paintings and drawings.

"Hay Katya" her face inches away from Katya's. She could feel her breath on her lips.

"Yeah" the Russian breathed out.

"I fucking love you"

"I love you too mama" she kissed her lips gently "I love you too"


Friday came fast this week. Both women were exited to finally spend some time together. They were supposed to go to a new vegan restaurant. Trixie decided to pick Katya up from work so they could have a little bit more time, the younger girl usually spend the weekends at Trixies, unless the other woman had some work obligations.

"Hi kitten" Trixie smiled softly as Katya sat down in the passenger seat. The girl leaned in and kissed her lips.

"Hello mama. How was your day? Did the meeting go well?"

Trixie wanted to lie and say that everything was great because that's what she always did. She was one of those people who couldn't talk about her feelings it made her uncomfortable and vulnerable. She was just raised that way. Her parents were non existent they didn't really care, sure they were better than Katya's family but still. Crying was for babies and all we talk about are the wins never fails. We just forget about it, we smile and hide our pain, our problems. She did everything to make them react but they never did. Parting, leaving school, not going to college, coming out (twice) nothing, no reaction. So she just adapted, she smiled and talked about how much money she made, how many products she sold not how lonely and miserable she was.

But Kim was right. If she wanted Katya to trust her again had to get out of her comfort zone and open up to her.

"It was pretty bad" Trixie said and concerted on the rode "the girl was just stupid" Katya giggled "and the whole day was just shit. Jan got sick and I was all on my own. I'm literally so exhausted"

Katya stroked her arm gently "We can just go to your place and eat pizza. I don't care about the fancy restaurant and expensive drink" she rolled her eyes "I just want to spend some time with you"

Trixie bit her lip "I would love to" she looked at Katya and smiled "How was your day kitten?"

"It was pretty good, we got some new plants today and I made a pretty bouquet" she looked out of the window "we only got one annoying costumer" Katya laughed to herself. She was so cute.

"Well I'm happy that one of us had a good day"

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