The girlfriend

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The room was filled with models and rich people in black suits, mostly men but Katya also spotted a few different looking people in colorful dresses and suits or thighs that didn't even look like clothes. She wanted to talk to them later that night, right now she was standing next to Trixie trying not to fidget to much with her fingers. She wasn't used to this much attention and she didn't really like it. Trixie already welcomed everyone, gave her little speech, had a photo shoot with her products and some guests. She said that they were influencers from Instagram but Katya didn't recognize them. Trixie was made for this life and was amazing at it. Right now they were talking to an older guy and his third (young) wife. They were boring but Katya was told they (or him) had a lot of money invested in Trixie's company. She had to give them attention.

"You look amazing Beatrice and so does your friend over here" the wife said she seemed nice enough. Katya gave her a smile, she did look stunning tonight.

"She's my girlfriend" Trixie said and Katya almost choked on her own breath. The older woman smiled grabbing Katya's hand in hers she gave it a little squeeze. They got lost in each other's eyes for a second.

"How lovely" the wife said, snapping them out of their little moment.

"Yes what a lovely thing" the guy said "but I wanted to talk about this new release. I have a couple of questions Beatrice"

"Yes Mr. Johnson" Trixie turned to Katya again "maybe go and get yourself a drink Naomi is there see" she pointed at the bar, the brown haired woman was there talking to some other people "I will be right back with you in no time Kitty" she kissed her forehead. Katya nodded and excused herself from the pair. The word "girlfriend" was running around her head. Did Trixie really mean that? Or maybe she didn't know what else to say?

"Katya baby" Naomi thrown herself to hug Katya's neck "Hello" she was a little bit drunk but still it was nice to know someone here.

"Hi Naomi. Where is Kim?" she hugged her back. After she pulled away and quickly ordered one vodka soda she couldn't do this party sober.

"She's talking to the investors, you know making money and shit" she said moving the straw in her colorful drink "not that I'm complaining it's fun to dress up and dink but I miss her some times"

"Yeah this is the price we have to pay" Katya took a sip from her drink, looking in Trixie's direction.

"Nah honey they do the paying" both girls laughed. They talked for a while, it was mostly Naomi telling Katya about the people around them. The party itself started to be a little bit loose some people left and the ones that stayed got drunk. Katya actually got a chance to talk to some interesting people photographers, make up artist and designers. She loved it, she didn't have a chance to talk about art anymore it motived her to do art again. Maybe she can make a new painting soon. Trixie was still occupied by her guests but she made sure to check on Katya from time to time, make sure she was doing okay.

"Katya you have to meet my friends" Naomi grabbed her hand and pulled her to one of the booths. She was very drunk right now "Girls my friend Katya over here" she presented her to the girls siting down "look at those cheek bones" Katya blushed she wasn't used to so many complements especially from someone like Naomi or her model friends. She scanned the booth and her eyes got wider. This can't be true.

"Hello Katya" Violent Chachki was sitting right in front of her. She looked the same, even tho they haven't seen each other in 2 years. Still beautiful a little scary but beautiful "it's nice to see you"

"It's nice to see you too" Katya smiled she liked Violet "we should catch up"

"Yeah we definitely should, my number haven't changed since ... you know"

"Mine neither, you know maybe ..."

"There you are, I was looking for you Kitty" Trixie appeared out of nowhere, she wrapped her arms around Katya's middle. The Russian looked in Violet's direction the model smirked and turned away.

"I missed you mommy" Katya turned around in Trixie's arms and gave her a little kiss.

"Wanna get out of here" the older whispered softly.

"Sure girlfriend" Katya smirked and pulled away just a little bit to look into Trixie's eyes.

"Great" Trixie started to walk away pulling Katya with her "I like the sound of that, girlfriend" they both smiled.

Soon they reached the elevator, when the doors closed Katya finally asked the question that was on her mind all night "Are we official now Trix?"

"Only if you want to baby"

"I do mama" she said and kissed her girlfriend passionately "I definitely want it"

"Me too kitten" Trixie lifted her of the ground and pushed her against the wall.

They didn't talk anymore.

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