Day dreaming

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Trixie just finished her first coffee of the day but she needed another one "Jan can you bring me another one please. Thank you"

Jan opened the door "Already. I mean boss I don't know if it's healthy for you" she raised her eyebrow. Trixie hired her because Jan was not afraid to speak her mind and she was a great employee but sometimes she tried too hard. Like she would bring Trixie a green juice so she has enough greens through the day.

Ever since Katya and her started having a lot of sex, Trixie didn't get enough of her beauty sleep. She needs more coffee.

"Jan I really appreciate it but I really need another coffee today"

"Katya keeps you up" Jan said smirking and walked out.

"I'm still your boss Jan" Trixie screamed and laughed. She couldn't help it. Her and Katya had so much fun lately not only in the sex department. She loved to cuddle up with her and watch a movie. Katya loved movies. She got so exited it was the cutest thing. Trixie wanted to ask Katya to move in with her but she didn't want to scare her away. They were supposed to do things slowly. Trixie didn't do slowly. She got what she wanted when she wanted.

She didn't like waiting.

But Katya was worth waiting for.

"There you go boss another iced coffee with three pumps of vanilla" Jan placed the fresh coffee in front of her.

"Thank you" Trixie already took a big sip "Do I have any meetings today?"

"Two and Kim wanted to see you later"

"Okay can you please tell her to meet me at ..."

"the corner coffee shop on it"

The door opened and the blonde walked in, her heels made a loud noice. All people turned to look at her. Trixie finally made it "Sorry I'm late the meeting ..."

"You're dating Katya again? Why didn't you tell me I'm your best friend. You bitch"

"Hello to you too Kimberly" she sat down and rolled her eyes.

"Why didn't you?" she said pretending to be offended.

"You are always busy we don't talk like ever" she said and quickly turned to the already waiting server. She decided on another coffee.

"So are you. That's a shitty excuse" the girl said pointing at Trixie with her long sharp nail.

"It's still new but kind of old in a way" Trixie said moving her fingers in front of her face "I just want to do things better this time"

Kim rolled her eyes "you were children Trix"

"Yeah but what does it change. She needed me and I didn't help. You know she still struggles with opening up about her feelings. I don't know what to do. She used to tell me anything and now ... it's to early for this shit" Trixie took a big swing from her third coffee of the day.

"Give the girl some time Trixie" Kim added another sugar into her tea "she needs to know she can trust you again"

"She can trust me I'm very trust worthy" the Barbie said flustered.

"Did you talk about that night? Did she talk about her past or the time in between? Does she tell you about her hard days? Or do you only talk to her pussy" Kim started to count on her fingers.

"Okay okay you are my best friend you should be nice to me"

"Maybe I have this crazy idea" Kim said sarcastically "you should talk to her, be honest. Tell her about your feelings and all of that relationship crap"

"You know I'm not great with that" Trixie pushed her hair away from her face and sighed.

"I know but when you open up to her maybe she will open up to you. This is different from the last time, then you were kids, horny kids" Kim made a disgusted face "but now you have to act like adults and she got hurt last time so she will probably keep things to herself. You know I'm right"

"You pick the wrong career Kimberly you should trie couples therapy"

"Nah I'm just amazing at everything"

"Okay I officially hate you but you're right I might have rushed into this relationship and now I'm scared that I will fuck thighs up again"

"I see that you care about Katya, you always did" she smiled softly "We should meet up you know like a double date"

"Sure Kim that sounds good, just find a night we are all free. Isn't Naomi in Paris right now?"

"Yeah but she will come back in like two weeks"

"Well that sounds like a plan. I have two weeks to talk to Katya and ..."

Kim cut her off "Don't rush anything the whole point is that you guys have genuine conversation"

"Have I ever mentioned that I fucking hate you"

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