Dress code

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Katya was basically forced into another high end store. She didn't know the name but she knew that the clothes there were really fucking expensive. It was all Trixie's idea 'only the best for my kitten' she said before they left the house. They have been doing this all morning. Trixie already had a dress (tight and hot pink) she was now determined to find a perfect dress for Katya.

"Trixie I'm not sure about this" Katya's hands went up and her body, the dress was beautiful but there was no way she could afford it. It was red, long and lacy, her tattoos were on display, she looked super hot.

"You look amazing baby" Trixie said smiling, she was sat down on the small couch in the dressing room. She loved the way it hugged Katya's body in all the right places after a few seconds of intense staring she turned around and faced the shop employee who was watching the pair "we are going to take it"

"Of course Miss Mattel. Do you want shoes with it?" the girl nodded and asked.

"Yes can we see the black ones. Please, thank you" she walked behind Katya and pulled her hair up just a little bit. The girl was tensed and she didn't know how to tell Trixie she had no money "What's wrong honey you don't like it?"

"I can't afford this" Katya pulled away and started to take of the dress. She was flustered, maybe she is too poor to date Trixie.

"Hey Kitty stop hey" Trixie hurried to her side. She took her head into her hands and made the younger look up "I can buy it for you" she smirked.

"Trix I will never be able to pay you back"

"You don't have to" she whispered softly "I like buying things for you it makes me happy"

"Am I your sugar baby?"

"You're so much more than just a sugar baby" Trixie kissed her forehead "but I like the sound of it"

Katya took a deep breath "maybe I do too" she blushed "I still like working you know"

"I'm not going to make you leave your job or anything like that but if you ever want to just stay at home or go back to school I'm happy to pay for everything"

"All you expect from me is sex" she looked down this was a lot to process, she didn't know if Trixie cared about her or just wanted her body. She never done anything to make Katya question her but people change. They did broke up once before. But Katya was so happy lately. She loved that someone cared for her, she liked watching movies and dinner dates with Trixie. The sex was amazing, so everything was going good, maybe now things will go bad. They usually went bad for Katya.

"What makes you say that ..."

"So I have these black ones and these gold ones I think it will look good with it" the woman came back. Holding to pairs of shoes.

Both women nodded and pulled away from each other. Trixie quickly kissed Katya's cheek. The girl was nervous but smiled anyway.

About 30 minutes later they were sat in the car. Trixie needed to make sure that her and Katya are on the same page.

"I had sugar babys before"

"Oh okay" Katya was definitely suspecting that.

"We just fucked and I bought them shit they wanted but that's it. They never stayed the night, we never ate breakfast together, we didn't watch movies. It was just ... I didn't feel good with them and all they cared about was my money not me. I feel like you don't care about that stuff"

"I don't Trix" she looked out of the window "I'm just scared that you will see me as someone who does"

Trixie gently put her hand on Katya's leg "I would never do that Kitty. If you don't want to do it we don't have to"

"You said it makes you happy to buy me things"

"Yeah it does but if it makes you uncomfortable I don't want it"

Katya grabbed her hand, her roommates are gonna love this "I want it mama" she smiled showing her teeth "but nothing crazy"

"Oh honey" Trixie said almost screamed "you have no idea" both of them laughed at that.

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