Eyes on you

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Trixie was busy. There was a new product launch and everything had to be perfect. Of course she would text Katya from time to time, always apologizing but Katya always told her that she understands. Trixie was the BOSS she had to have everything under control. It didn't bother her, she had time to wrap her head around their relationship.

She was just a little bit bored, she just got back from work, all of her roommates were gone, she tried to read but her mind was too distracted. She got a idea.

In a weird moment of unexpected motivation she stood up from her bed and grabbed her paints. She found a old canvas in her closet.

She started painting. She let her mind wonder. After about two hours she looked at her painting.

There she was, a beautiful woman with long blonde hair and plump pink lips.

Katya smiled and started to perfect her painting.

A few days later she was sat on her couch watching a stupid reality show with Gigi and Crystal. The girls were giggling and whispering things into each other's ears. It was sweet. They were young and in love. Katya sighed, she missed Trixie. They haven't seen each other since the date and the blonde was really busy. Katya didn't get any messages from Trixie in two days. She was staring to worry about her. Trixie was always very focused on her goals, she forgot about everything like taking a break.

Katya's phone went off. She got a text from her favorite person.

Hi Kitty guess what??!


I'm done. I finished everything at work I have a few days of

Really Trix that's amazing

I want to see you. Do you want to meet at my house tomorrow? Do you have time?

Yes of course

Katya smiled and bit her cheek. She was so happy to see Trixie. She wondered if them meeting at her house meant something. She decided to go for it.

Trix can I stay for breakfast?

Only if you want

Are you kidding me. It's all I have been thinking about

Me too baby

"Grandma is flirting" Gigi said smirking.

Katya almost forgot that there were other people in the room with her. She jumped in her seat. A girl on the screen was fake crying.

"You didn't deny it" Gigi said moving closer "Are you flirting? Who is it? Tell me tell me ..."

"Babe please let her breath"

Katya liked Crystal, she gave her a small smile. Katya didn't told anyone about her and Trixie. She wasn't great with sharing her feelings "It's Trixie"

"Yess I knew it, Bobby" Gigi shouted "I won, she is fucking the Barbie"

Katya thrown her head back and rolled her eyes.

Trixie run around her apartment, she tried to clean everything up. She was so nervous, she wanted everything to be perfect tonight. The door bell rang "Shit, shit" Trixie run and throw her apron away, she saw Katya. She looked so cute. Trixie quickly opened her door.

"Hi Kitty you look beautiful" Trixie trapped Katya in a tight hug.

"I missed you Trix" Katya took a deep breath and kissed Trixie's neck. The older woman leaned in and kissed her lips. Katya had to stand on her tiptoes "I missed you to kitten" the girls were smiling non stop. Trixie opened the wine and after about 20 minutes they started eating. They haven't seen each other in about two weeks. Katya had a lot of questions about Trixie's job and how everything went. The younger girl was genuinely interested. Trixie was so happy. She loved her job and she loved to talk about it. As the room got dark the girls sat down on the couch. They were sitting close, facing each other. They both knew what is going to happen next.

"Kitty I have some questions for you. You don't have to answer if you don't want to" Trixie said putting her wine glass on the table. Her tone was serious but she didn't sound angry.

Katya nodded, she had a feeling what Trixe wanted to talk about.

"Are you still submissive?"

Katya blushed and nodded again.

Trixie smirked "Okay. Were you in a dom/sub relationship before?"

"Yes. My ex Violet was a dom. She shown me a lot of things"

"That's good. Are you comfortable with being in a relationship like that again?" Trixie asked. She wanted to be sure Katya wanted the same thing she did.

"Yes mommy" Katya teased.

"Well you got this one right" Trixie rolled her eyes "What is your safe word baby? Tell me what you like what you don't like"

"My safe word is still red" Katya looked into Trixie's eyes "I don't like any face slapping and anything involving feet. I can't think of anything else right now. I like a lot of things" Katya blushed.

"How about before we trie something new I will ask for your constant? Do like that idea?" Trixie moved closer and grabbed Katya's hand. The younger girl relaxed.

"Do you have any rules?" Katya asked. Violet had a few rules that Katya had to follow. She liked to know what to do, of course it was nothing crazy and they talked about it. If Katya didn't like something they changed it a little bit. She wondered if Trixie was the same. In the past the girls just did what felt right but now they were older and Katya learned more about herself, her sexuality, her body and how much she enjoyed submitting herself to a beautiful woman. She liked feeling taken care of but she also loved being called a slut.

"Well first I like to be called mommy or mama, you know that already" she kissed Katya's forehead "the next is pretty easy if you're good you get a reward if you're bad you get a punishment" Katya moved in her seat she loved being punished "you are not allowed to touch yourself without my permission, you always have to ask me if you want to cum, if you don't you're going to be punished" Trixie squeezed her hand "you have to tell me when you're going out with your friends I'm not going to stop you from doing it I just want to make sure you're safe" Katya nodded "you have to tell me if you're feeling bad, you have to trie eating three meals a day I know you can have a problem with that, I will also always make sure we have time for aftercare" Trixe looked at Katya with so much love the younger girl almost cried "if you start acting like a little brat, if you don't answer my questions, if you disrespect me you will be punished. I can always add more to this list. Do you understand baby girl?"

"I do mama"

"Do you want to have sex with me tonight baby?" Trixie already knew the answer. Katya didn't answer she just leaned in and kissed her lips.

Kind of a long one, do you prefer longer or shorter chapters?

Smut is coming soon 💜

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