Party like there's no tomorrow

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It was almost midnight and Trixie was tried. She was too old for this shit.

The music was loud the people were sweating and brushing against her. Trixie was drinking her second vodka soda she was just a little bit tipsy. When she wanted to go to a double date with Kim and Naomi she didn't think that the girls would pick a fucking club. This was not her scene anymore she hadn't been in a club for years, if she had to go it was usually a business deal. The only thing that made this night better was Katya wearing tiny red dress, she was a little bit drunk and was dancing with Naomi.

"Fuck this" Kim said and sat down in the booth next to Trixie.


Kim waved her hands around her long nails almost scratched Trixie's face sometimes she wondered why Kim kept them like that "This fuck this"

"It was your idea bitch" Trixie rolled her eyes

"You think I choose to go to the club" she took a sip from her water bottle "My lovely girlfriend wanted to dance and have fun. Speaking of the devil"

"Guys come dance with us" Naomi said smiling.

"Please" Katya looked Trixie in the eyes and smiled showing her teeth.

"Nooo I'm to tried"

"Sure baby"

Both women said at the same time. Katya laughed and pulled Trixie's hand so she stood up. She fallowed the girl into the dance floor. Kim and Naomi disappeared in the crowd. Trixie didn't care about them right now, all she could fell was Katya's body pressed against hers. She pushed her fingers through her hair and brought Katya's hips closer. They dance like this for a while "You are so beautiful Kitty" the Barbie kissed her ear and moved to the music. She wasn't much of a dancer but this was easy. Katya put her arms around Trixie's neck.

"I want you so much mommy" she whispered.

Trixie almost moaned "Such a whore" the older woman turned Katya in her arms so she could see her face "All those people around you will know how bad you are"

Katya moaned and bit her lip "Please mama I need you"

Trixie grabbed Katya's hand started to push through the people. She needed to find the bathroom. The music was loud in her ears and some one bumped into them.

"Sorry baby" the girl said smiling "I ruined your pretty dress" she run her fingers down Katya's body.

"It's okay you don't have to worry about it" the Russian smiled showing her perfect teeth "you don't look bad yourself"

Trixie felt jealousy run through her veins. The girls were close but the Barbie was squeezing Katya's hand in hers. She was red with anger, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe she cared about Katya a little to much.

"Maybe we could talk. Can I buy you a drink? I want to make it up to you" the other said coming closer to her Kitty. The girl opened her mouth to answer but Trixie had enough.

"BATHROOM NOW" Trixie was almost running. Katya smirked she had no desire to go anywhere with that girl she just wanted to see how far she could push Trixie.

The door opened fast and Trixie pushed the younger girl against it "Who do you belong to slut?" She was furious.

"Yours mommy" Katya whispered against her lips.

"That's right" her hand made it's way to Katya's pussy "No panties" Trixie pushed her fingers into Katya's hole "such a whore, walking around with your pussy dripping wet, does this turn you on bitch?"

Katya thrown her head back and moaned very loud. She was breathing heavily "It does mommy it feels ... so good ... you fuck me so good" Trixie started to fuck her with three fingers now. The older woman lifted her up and started to suck on her neck still fucking her hard. Katya wrapped her legs around Trixie's middle this new angle made her feel Trixie even better.

"My fucking good girl" Trixie bit her neck "cum for your mommy"

It was all Katya needed, she came screaming. She was holding Trixie with her arms and legs now "I got you baby girl" Trixie kissed her cheeks "relax for me kitten"

After they fixed their hair and makeup. Both women decided to go back into the both. Trixie grabbed a water bottle for Katya and another vodka soda for herself.

"How was it girls?" Naomi asked and took a sip from her drink. She was almost sitting on Kim's lap. Katya thought that they looked cute.

"Great" Trixie said smirking and pulled Katya onto her lap "Drink up baby girl"

Katya nodded, she cuddled up into Trixie's chest. She needed comfort now.

"Are you exited about the launch party?"

"What party?" Katya asked confused.

"Remember when I was creating new products" Trixie pushed Katya's hair away from her face "well now there's a party with a bunch of people from the industry, models, influencers you know"

"You want me to go with you?" Katya blushed

"If you want to it's not as fun as it's sounds"

Katya nodded again, she was a little nervous about it but she didn't want Trixie to go alone or worst with some one else.

It's not like they are officially dating.


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