Yes I want it

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They finally managed to move everything from Katya's apartment to Trixie's. It took all day, turns out that Katya has a lot of stuff and she has a hard time letting them go. A plastic eye ball - she needs it, an old tiny fork - it was a present, one sock with Russian flags on it - she loves her culture and Trixie tries to take it away from her. So now there's three boxes full of shit that Trixie has no idea what to do with standing in her living room. They already put away Katya's clothes (she didn't have a lot to Trixie's surprise) and her makeup products. Now it's dark outside, Katya is laid down on 'her' side of the bed, she claimed it was hers by putting a lava lamp on the bedside table, it doesn't match Trixie's bedroom but she loves it anyway.

"Mamaaaa can we ... I don't know ... take a break" she rolled around.

Trixie huffed "You have been doing nothing for the past hour"

"I'm supporting you mommy" she said smiling and made some kissing noises.

"Good thing you're cute baby" the blonde woman got up from the floor, she finished putting Katya's socks away "Maybe I should punish you for being lazy?" she crawled on top of her and kissed her passionately.

"Maybe you should" Katya said between kisses "it's been so long ... and I was bad ... I didn't help you"

"You didn't" Trixie smirked, Katya was teasing her and of course she fell for it "on your knees, naked" she said, kissed Katya again and stood up. Trixie made her way to her walk in closet. She grabbed Katya's collar, a shiny butt plug and her favorite two sided strap. She almost grabbed the ball gag but she didn't, the blonde wanted to hear the beautiful moans that came from Katya's mouth. She walked back, her girlfriend looked so pretty waiting for her. Trixie run her fingers through her hair "My little slut" she whispered softly and put her red collar on. It was new and both of them loved it. Katya immediately relaxed.

"Only yours" she looked up. Trixie smirked.

"Lay down on my lap sweetheart" Katya nodded and laid down. She pushed her ass up into Trixie's hands "So inpatient" the older woman slapped her backside. Katya moaned she loved getting spankings it was her favorite punishment. Trixie continued spanking her kitten.

"Thank you mommy" she said when Trixie was finished.

"Good girl" Trixie rubbed her hands on Katya's red ass it was so fucking beautiful. Katya's cunt was glossy with her wetness. She spread her legs and spanked it. Katya whinnied she need Trixie so much already "Shhh my slut be patient" she slapped her pussy again. Harder this time. Katya's head hanged low now she tried not to scream every time Trixie touched her "Grab your ass cheeks and spread them for me baby girl" Trixie whispered and bit Katya's earlobe. The Russian blushed hard, this was so embarrassing and she loved it. She obligated and did was she was told "You're such a good kitten" Trixie kissed her cheek. She leaned down and liked her asshole, grateful for the fact that she made her shower earlier that day. Trixie started to stretch her out first with her tongue then switched to her fingers.

"Mommy ... feels so good" Katya's eyes rolled to the back of her head. Trixie added another finger, before taking them out completely. She put a generous amount of lube on the plug and started to push it inside Katya's tight hole. Her fingers were almost white with how hard she was holding her ass open for Trixie. She was tense.

"Kitty relax for mommy" Trixie spoke softly "You're doing great baby girl, so good for me" she pushed the toy all the way in.

"So good ... for you mommy"

"Let go kitten" Trixie grabbed Katya's fingers and pulled them away. She pushed on the butt plug a few times and her girl moaned. Trixie circled her clit for a second as a reword.

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