Night out

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Katya's body was shaking with anxiety. Her parents were screaming at her again. Her mom slapped her. Again. She didn't came out to them but they were not stupid. They figured it out. Everything was fine when Trixie was around. Katya spend all of her days with her girlfriend but then Trixie left. She moved out because she found a better job. It was a great deal. She was living with Kim (her best friend) and she actually liked working in the business filled. Even if she was just a secretary.

They tried long distance relationship. LA was far away.

Katya tried calling. Trixie didn't pick up. Again. This was not the first time. In the beginning it was fine but the more time passed everything went downhill.

Katya 🥀🥀🥀

Please Trix. I need you

I can't do this anymore


I miss you

I need you Trix

I'm having another panic attack

Please pick up


3 am.

Katya's tears run down her face. Her breathing was back to normal. She picked up her phone.


She tried calling again.

She just wanted to hear her voice. She just wanted to hear that everything was going to be okay. She just needs to last 2 months. Then she will graduate. She will move in with Trixie and she will be happy.

But she opened Instagram.

Trixie posted on her story. She was out with some friends. Having fun. Living life. Dancing. Singing.

She didn't care.


We are done. I don't want to be a burden anymore. I hope you have fun. I hope you have a good life. Sorry for breaking up with you over a text. I just can't be with you anymore.

Goodbye Trixie.


"Grandma please" Gigi said holding Katya's arm "you promised to go out with us"

"Gig I didn't promise anything"

"You did" Bob said smiling "the last time we were out and you were drunk. Remember you started to sing Russian songs in Target"

"Yes" Adore chimed in "Fuck you were awful" all three of her roommates decided that she needs to go party with them.

She had been going through some stuff and partying was not in the picture but since Trixie got back into her life her mental health got a little bit better.

Her roommates decided that they need to get drunk, dance, sing and eat pizza, they just wanted to have fun with her again. They also teased her about Trixie like 24/7.

"You can bring the sugar mommy" Bob said smirking.

"Yeah she could pay for all of us, we are basically..."

"I'm not inviting her and she is not my sugar mommy. We are just friends"

"Mhmm frriiieenddss" Adore rolled her eyes at Katya.

"I will go" Katya said "if you stop talking about Trixie"

"Yes grandma is going to party" Gigi giggled and hugged Katya jumping up and down.

The music was loud. There was a lot of people out. Katya was dancing so hard her legs were shaking in the good way. Alcohol was running through her head. She took another shot of vodka. Adore gave her a drunken smile. Gigi and her girlfriend Crystal disappeared about an hour ago. Katya suspected that they were fucking in the bathroom. Good for them.

"Grandma another one" Bob leaned over the bar holding his glass in front of Katya's face.

"Bobby I think you are right" her accent became more noticeable "Can we have a cigarette?" Katya asked Adore.

"Okay Katy" they agreed nodding their head.

Everything was going great until Adore disappeared and started to make out with stranger.

Katya was left alone. Until she wasn't alone. Some very annoying guy decided to hit on her. She told him politely that she is not interested but he was pushy. She started to get scared and backed away from him. She was drunk and her anxiety was staring to take over her body.

Thankfully Adore appeared and saved her.

"Katya it's okay. I'm here. That dick is gone" she tried to make her feel better. It didn't help.

"I need Trixie" Katya was full on crying "I want Trixie"

"Okay let's call her. Just give me your phone"

Katya was holding her phone and put it on speaker.
She is not going to pick up. Why would she. She has her own life. She doesn't ...

Hallo. Katya is everything okay?

You picked up. I missed you.

Kitty are you drunk. Where are you? Are you okay ?

Can you please pick me up. I don't want to be here anymore. I love you Adore.

Kitty please stay safe. Don't leave Adore. I will pick you up just share your location with me. Okay? Can you do it?

Adore can. They are here with me . Trixie I miss you. I can't wait to see you.

I miss you too kitten. I'm on my way.

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