Jealousy, jealousy

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Katya got back into the apartment. Her and Violet had a wonderful day, she didn't realize how much she missed her. She was such a great person, they already made plans for a double date with Pearl and Trixie.

"Honey I'm home !!!" she screamed walking in.

"Living room" Trixie's voice was raspy. Katya almost tripped over her legs when she started running into the living room. She saw her girlfriend sitting on the couch, she was breathtaking. Her large boobs were squeezed into a tiny bodysuit. It was hot pink and lacy, it matched her. She had her favorite clear heels on, her hair was dripping down her back. Trixie walked closer to Katya, she smirked "Didn't anyone ever tell you" she run her finger down Katya's front "it's rude to stare"

"I'm sorry mommy"'she whispered, her cheeks were already flushed.

"Did you have fun with your friend?" Trixie started to take of her clothes pealing it away from Katya's body. She was slow and delicate, but her voice was dripping with jealousy. It made Katya's knees weak.

"Yeah ... it was good ..." the Russian said, she was topples and Trixie was working on getting her jeans off "we will see each other again"

The blonde looked up "You will?" she said and huffed, she was pissed. Katya loved it.


Trixie was finished, she stood up and placed Katya's collar on. She looked into her eyes "Listen to me slut" she run her hand down and placed it on top of Katya's pussy "You are mine" she whispered against her lips "Your pussy is mine" she pushed her fingers through her pussy lips, spreading her wetness "Do you agree bitch?"

Katya moaned "I'm yours only yours mommy" she kissed Trixie, the older woman kissed her back immediately. The kiss turned passionate, the Barbie started to move her fingers, she pressed on Katya's clit "Please ... mama I need you"

"Baby girl I will take care of you" she whispered and kissed her lips "Can you come for me now? My little slut, my toy. So good for mommy"

Trixie's dirty talk made Katya's hips grind on her fingers harder, she was chasing her orgasm "Yours mommy ... only yours"

"That's right baby ... my good girl" the blonde said and bit Katya's lip. She moaned into her mouth. Her body gave out, she was holding onto Trixie, her fingers turned white. The older woman pushed Katya down onto the couch, she kissed her forehead. The younger was still breathing heavily, she watched Trixie put on the strap on. She was turned on again, she was also sure that there will be a lot of mess. Trixie didn't seem to care about it for now, she slipped her end of the toy inside herself. Her eyes were closed and her heavy chest was moving fast. She was stunning.

"You look so hot mama" Katya smiled. She laid on her arms, pushing herself up so she could see better.

"I know baby girl" she smirked "you have a extremely hot girlfriend"

"Yes and extremely jealous" she giggled, Trixie just rolled her eyes.

"Shut up kitten" the blonde grabbed Katya's legs and pulled her closer. She lined up the toy with Katya's entrance "Let me fuck you now" she breathed out.

"Fuck me mama ... please " Katya wrapped her hands around Trixie's neck and brought their faces together.

The older pushed her hips forward, she bottomed out. Both of the moaned "You sound so sweet ... scream my name baby" Trixie moved her body. Her tits almost spilled out of her bodysuit. She was also close, the whole time that Katya was gone, all she could think about was fucking her. She worked herself up. Katya's body lifted of the couch, her back arched, her nails scratched Trixie's back. The room was filled with wet sounds and Katya's moans "Are you close baby?"

"Yeah yeah ... please can I ... come please mommy?" her eyes rolled back. Trixie put her hand around Katya's throat, squeezing it gently.

"Look at me slut" she said harshly.

Katya opened her eyes, she could feel tears running down her face. She looked into Trixie's beautiful brown eyes "Please mommy" she whispered.

"Do it ... Come with me kitten"

Katya screamed her girlfriend's name. She felt like her orgasm crushed into her. She will never get enough of Trixie.

"Thank you mommy"

"You welcome baby girl" Trixie kissed her lips and her whole face, it made the younger giggle. She cuddled into Trixie.

"You fuck me so good Trix" she said smiling into her neck.

The blonde looked down at her girl and smirked "Better then Violet?"

"Better then Violet" Katya bit her lip "better then anyone"

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