Hugs & kisses

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Katya went back home. She had a awful day at school and she failed her math test. Katya just wanted to grab something to eat and go back to her room. As she opened the fridge her mom appeared in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?"

"Just getting a snack"

"Be careful, you can get fat like your dyke friend"

Katya took a deep breath "Mom please ..." she said in a small voice. She didn't want to do it again.

"What Yekaterina?! Is there something you want to say. We both know it's unnatural and weird" she said "Are you disrespecting me again?! Wait until your father gets back from work"

Katya was shaking. She tried to calm herself down. She had only one option "I'm going out" the girl said quietly.

"Where are you going?!" her mom grabbed her arm hard and squeezed it.

"Mom can you help me with my hair" Katya's sister walked in "Oh and my friends are coming over" she didn't care about Katya. They didn't like each other. Katya was always the worst and her sister Shasha was always the best. There was 2 years difference between them. They grew up together, Katya didn't know what happened to them. Her mother let her go. "Of course sweetheart. Yekaterina will leave so she doesn't get in your way"

Katya almost run out of the house. She was crying.

She stood outside the familiar door.

"Kitty are you okay?" Trixie opened the door and quickly hugged her tiny friend "shhh honey I'm here it's okay"

"I can't breath ... I just ..." Katya's body was shaking, her breath was rapid and tears were running down her cheeks.

"Let's go inside. My parents are not home. You need to try. Okay honey"

They got inside. Katya sat down on Trixie's bed as the other girl went to the kitchen. She got back with some water and a granola bar. Trixie sat down and brought Katya to her lap "You are doing very good Kitty. Drink some water baby" with shaking fingers Katya took the water bottle to her lips. She took a big sip. Trixie was running her hands up and down her back. Katya could feel her anxiety melt. The blonde made her feel safe. She made her feel like someone cared about her. She was to scared to confess her true feelings. Even right now. They were so close yet so far away. She could feel Trixies breath on her face.

"Do you want to watch some Netflix kitten? It always makes you feel better"

"Can I take a shower first?"

"Oh yes you definitely need it" Trixie said pulling a "disgusted" face. Katya playfully punched her arm.

Katya took a shower and ate her granola bar. She was still a little shaken but it was 100% better. She was happy that today was Friday wich meant that her and Trixie can sleep in tomorrow. Her friend gave her a new clean shirt and women's boxers. She didn't feel like waring shorts. Trixies shirt was too big anyway. Katya left the bathroom and sat down next to Trixie on the bed. The tv was playing some unknown Netflix reality show. Trixie turned her head to look at Katya.

"What happened to your arm?"

Katya looked down and realized that she had a bruise. Trixie run her fingers over it. She was so gentle "Was it your mother?"

Katya nodded.

The older girl lifted Katya's face so the girls looked into each other's eyes. There was so many emotions shared in between them. The room was spinning.

Katya didn't know what to do. Trixie did.

She leaned in. Their lips crushed. This was Katya's first kiss. She was nervous "Relax kitten. Let me take care of you" Katya did what she was told. She let Trixie pull her closer, she sat on her lap. She was so excited and happy. The girls made out for a while. Katya could feel her body react to Trixies touch. She started to grind her hips down. The older girl pulled away and grabbed Katya's face in her hands.

"As much as I want to fuck you right now" Katya felt her face blush "We can't. We should wait" Katya started to whine "I know baby" Trixie kissed her again "You had a very hard day. I don't want to take advantage of you. We will do it soon. Okay?"

"Promise?" Katya looked up.

"I promise kitten"


Trixie 💞

I really wanted to kiss you today.

Katya decided to be honest with Trixie. She was surprised by Trixies confession but the fire in her chest make her feel amazing. She still liked her. Maybe there was a chance that Trixie still loved her. Or maybe she was still drunk.

Katya 🥀🥀

Me too Trix
Why didn't you?
I didn't know if you wanted

God we are so stupid

Yes definitely we are idiots

I want to take you on a date.

I need to be honest with you but I think we should talk in person.

I just want you so much kitten

I want you to Trix I always did

I will always love you Where stories live. Discover now