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When we all finally arrive at the apartment, I look under the doormat to where Naruto and I keep the keys. Soon I unlock the door but stand in the way, "No one goes in the kitchen except for Setami Sensei and I. No one goes into my room except for Naruto and I. The bathroom is through the only door that doesn't go to mine and Naruto's room. Understand?"

Everyone nods their head and I push the door open. The place is pretty clean and I'm grateful I cleaned it up a bit last night. Kakashi and Setami Sensei sit at the kitchen table, directly disobeying my orders to stay out of the kitchen. Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke take a seat on the couch.

I make my way to the kitchen to get started on food when I'm interrupted by a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Kakashi standing behind me and smiling. "Don't worry Madi, Setami and I will take care of dinner for tonight. Go relax."

Sighing, I exit the kitchen. Kakashi and Setami are laughing about something but I don't pay much attention. Entering the living room, all the kids are sitting on the couch. The only available spot on the couch is next to Sasuke. Naruto smiles at me and tells me to sit down. Reluctantly I take a seat next to Sasuke. I can feel him staring at me, but I don't turn to look him once.

Naruto is trying to talk to Sakura, Sakura is trying to talk to Sasuke, and Sasuke just stares at me. Not being able to handle the tension, I suggest a game. Everyone nods their heads as I explain the rules. I need a large bowl, pens, and pieces of paper.

Upon entering the kitchen, I see Kakashi with his hands on Setami's waist and they're facing each other very close together. Oh. My. God. My mouth drops open, and I almost scream. Instead though, I take this moment to scare the distracted pair. "You guys seem to be getting along nicely." I say.

The two of them both jump, landing with one on each side of the kitchen. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." I reach past the distraught two and into a cabinet to grab a large bowl.

Before I leave the kitchen I turn to Kakashi, "You better watch it." His eye widened and I walk away.

After getting four pens and four notepads, I go back to the living room. They all seem to be yelling at each other over something.



"Would you guys please stop yelling?"


They all turn to see my standing over them. My face isn't exactly happy. They all just stare and calm down.

"I don't even want to know what that was about." I say mostly to myself.

"Well Sakura said that you-" Naruto is interrupted by Sakura's hand covering his mouth. She gave me a smile and looked away. Slowly she released her hand from Naruto's face, and he took this as his time to strike.

"Sakura said that you need to realize you're just stupid." Naruto said rapidly. How did my name even get brought up? Sakura knocks him upside the head and turns her voice into her sweet 'teachers pet' voice, "I said nothing like that! Don't listen to him Madevila."

There wasn't a single moment where I even thought about believing Sakura.

My mouth formed into a small smirk. "It's not really an insult if it's coming from someone lesser than you," I say with a smile as I sit down, still ignoring Sasuke. Nothing Sakura says can hurt me anymore. The worst thing she could've said to me has already been said.

I hand everyone a piece of paper and a pen. Naruto is the only one who says thank you.

"So everyone, rip your paper into six pieces and write a question about yourself on each one, then place it in the bowl. Once everyone did this, we took turns pulling out a question. Naruto went first.

Foul Love  (Sasuke x OC)Where stories live. Discover now