The hunters

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Wei ying's POV
Each day I have to stay in my room.I really want to visit the outside world . Mama told me she will take  me outside this house when I will be sixteen. Now I am sixteen and I got another excuse that its not safe outside and some hunters are roaming these days.

I am really tired of mom's excuses .
{Knock knock}....  "Wei ying open the door here is your lunch."
"Yes mom,wait a minute"I said.
I go and open  the door for my mom.
" wow mom you cooked my favourite today.  I Love You".
I said while giving mom a hug.
"I love you too baby.Come eat before it gets cold."
"Mommy you told me that you will take me out when I will be sixteen. Mom please take me outside.I am very excited." I said while shaking my mommy's hand.
She sighed and answered"baby the world outside is indeed beautiful but it is dangerous. And for us it is very dangerous to roam outside. Baby I also want you to go outside ,make friends and experience everything a normal creature experiences.but we are serpents , we don't have any big clan.We are very rare and this fact attracts the hunters the most.We can't be outside like a free person baby. But I promise I will take you out soon and you will have a lot of fun.we will always protect you baby. So now stop thinking about that and enjoy you meal.Be a good boy.
"OK mom,I will  listen to you".
Though I said this but I am sad.I don't blame mama and papa.I understand they want to protect me but still I want to go outside.
I want to be strong so that my parents don't worry for me and I can live freely and protect myself from those so called hunters and also protect other serpent kids who are just like me trapped in a house.

Author's POV
The saying comes  true that 'curiosity can kill a wild cat'.
Wei ying who understands what his parents say but still his excitement to see the outside world makes him forget his parents warning.
He decides to sneak at midnight outside their house which was located in deep forest to avoid the attraction  of people to them as they were serpents.
He decided to take a tour outside for two hours and then return so that his parents could not know.
So at midnight he shifts to his snake form.
Since he was kid, his snake form was a baby snake. It was a black snake on the upper side and red on the downward side with criss cross patterns all over. It was very beautiful. And  what made it precious was two small wings of black colour with red shading on it.
This was the reason why his parents never allowed him to go out.
He was a flying serpent which he inherited it from his mother and also his poison was deadly which could kill people in 3 minutes if released in proper amount and this property he inherited from his father . Also small amount of poison could kill a person in ten minutes. Though serpents were endangered but a flying serpent was extremely rare . Serpents were hunted for poison, their scales and sometimes they were sold as pets since they  were known to be naturally beautiful. Thus they were traded to rich people as slaves for their sexual needs also  sold to brothel after removing their teeth.
Wei ying who was completely unaware of these dangers thought that he was already big as he was sixteen and could protect himself.He just thought that that were rare that's why they were hunted as his mother told him .Also just going out for 2hours won't kill him.
So he flew away from his window in the clear sky . He only saw sky from his room but never got the chance to fly in clear sky.
He was enjoying every bit of it.
The scent of the fresh wind was amazing. He just wanted to continue flying .
The reason why he was able to escape was that he could turn into his snake form which normally other serpents could do at the age of eighteen.His parents were completely unaware of the fact otherwise they would have blocked the window of his room.
On one till now has seen his snake form other than him.
Just like this thinking about all this that he was smart to hide it from his parents and enjoying the current fresh air he flew very far.
He then landed on ground and shifted in his human form. Now he was walking on ground freely. Jumping time to time and observing everything around and picking fresh fruits on the way from time to time. After some time the forest ended and he was on clear ground . He decided to walk further . As he was walking he was amazed seeing big buildings and beautiful infrastructures he had never seen in his life. While he was mesmerized in the scenery he heard a whistle sound he turned around and saw a group of 4 people. He could sense that they were alphas. He has never interacted with people and didn't know how to react to them . He just stood there  with a confused looking face.

All the four alphas were astonished by the beauty in front of them.
They had never seen such a beautiful person in their life. And internally they were screaming from happiness that they were going to have nice meal tonight. They went towards wei ying, who could not understand how to react .So he just stood there.
The four alphas circled him.
In this awkward situation wei ying thought that he should say something.
So he tried to communicate with them
"Hello ...I am wei ying nice to meet you guys. Actually I am new here and I don't have any friends so I will be happy if you all will be my friends".
The other four alphas were amazed to listen this. Usually a alone omega would run on seeing alphas but this omega was asking them to be his friends. They understood that he was very innocent.
This fact made them more excited to play with him.
One of them responded" of course we will be your friends but for that you have to give us something ".
Wei ying jumped with excitement that he could have friends and immediately nodded.
The four alphas were shocked at his cuteness. They couldn't believe how a boy could be as cute as a baby.
They responded " since you agree on giving us something then you can't go back on your promise. We want your body."
And by saying that they started approaching him.
Though wei ying was innocent but he was  not a fool.
He never saw outside world but he got proper education from his parents what every normal sixteen year kid should know and also sometimes he used to read newspapers which his father brought occasionally. He used to read several cases how omegas were raped by alphas.
Listening that they want his body his face paled.
He didn't know what to do.
As he was lost in his thoughts a hand touched his waist which made him startled.

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