Escaped and trapped

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Author's POV
Wei ying's mind got completely blank. He couldn't think what to do.
He regretted coming out despite his parents warnings. He just wanted to escape any how. Then suddenly he was pushed and his back collided with wall and he hissed in pain.
Teardrops fell from his eyes. Then one of the alpha gripped his shirt and pulled it that it fell from his shoulder.
Shocked and scared by this action wei ying shouted
"Leave me " and then he pushed the alpha with his full power turned into his snake form and flew from those alphas.
All alphas were shocked by what they witnessed.
'A Flying Serpent'
They tried to chase him but could not catch him.

Wei ying's POV
It is so scary .Why did I even came out of my house.
I am flying from a long time I need to rest a bit.
I don't recognise this place. But wherever I am its indeed beautiful.
I have leave home fast otherwise I will get caught by my parents.

Author's POV
He noticed that the place where he was now,was heavily guarded. Since he was in his snake form no one could see him. He was hiding near a tree.

Just then he noticed a person who was extremely handsome

'How can such a handsome person exist.' He thought in his mind. He felt time stopped . He couldn't take off his eyes from that person unless that person was out of his view. That's when he realised he was not breathing and he was breathless. Then he decided to take that person's form and  have a tour of this area a bit.

He closed his eyes ,took a deep breath and thought about that person's look and within an minute he was in human form of that person. Wei ying became very happy with this look. He then started walking around the place. He saw that some guards were standing on both sides on the cemented pathway. He was first scared if they would recognise him. But he remembered, that  handsome man freely walking and no one said anything to him. So he gathered courage and started walking with a smile on his face.

Wei ying's POV

I cant believe my eyes. Does this person exits in reality. How can he be so handsome. He is just like a god who came from heaven.

I wish I could make friends with him. I wonder how will he look when he will smile.

Every guard present here is bowing to him. I think he must belong to higher position.

Well since I am here why not I should enjoy the moment a bit. I really want to take his look . So I took his form .

Wow I can't  believe ,I am right now  the most handsome person I have ever seen. I must cherish the moment. Those cemented paths looks so good with beautiful flowers on both sides and and trees with red leaves on both sides. Well since no one stopped that person ,I don't think anyone will stop me.

So I took courage and came out of the tree I was hiding and started walking enjoying the beauty around.

My lips immediately turned into a smile when a slight wind blew and red leaves  fell on me . I felt like I am in heaven. My eyes then fell on the on a flower that I have never seen.

It was a mixture of white and red. I went near it and smelled it. I can't describe the smell. I have never smelled something good like that. I wanted to pluck that flower and take it with me. But I  didn't do that. There was a same flower on the ground . So I took it with me. Lost in the beauty of the area I forgot that I was in an unknown placed with a unknown person's look.

Then I heard a voice" king, the trespassers we caught yesterday had confessed that he is from dragon clan. He refused to say further. He said that he wants to talk to you in private."

I don't know what to do at this moment. How should I respond. He just addressed me king. Really,does that mean I have taken the look of the king of this place.

At this moment,I couldn't think of anything else so I decided to play along. So I responded,"okay I got it,no need to bow anymore, get up and thanks for your information I will look into the matter later." All the time I was having a fake smile as at the moment I was scared to death. My heartbeat had never been so fast in my whole life.

I immediately decided to leave the place at that moment but the luck was not on my side. I felt someone grabbed my shoulder from the back. Sweats dropped from my head. At this moment I could no longer keep a fake expression .I am sure my heartbeat could be heard by guards around me. I started trembling. I know I was in great trouble. Acting as the king of this unknown place ,I brought a big trouble to myself. 

Next what I heard stopped my breathing.

"Got you "

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