I won't hurt you

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At Vampire clan

Author's POV

Wei ying wakes up with a slight headache. His eyes were swollen due to  crying last night. His eyesight was a bit blurry as the room where he woke had proper lighting. He rubbed his eyes and after a few seconds he could see clearly. He noticed that he was no longer in the place where he was kept  yesterday . He was in a luxurious room and he was sitting on very comfortable bed. It was so soft that he couldn't help but jump lightly on it.
Then he remembered what happened with him last night. He had to return home as soon as possible. He knew his parents will be very angry but the more he will delay the more his parents will worry for him.
He immediately got off from the bed and went towards the door.
He pushed the door but he couldn't open it.
He started panicking," what should I do now. I need to get out of this place anyhow. " Then he stated looking at each corner of the room if he could find any hole which could lead to outside. But unfortunately he couldn't find any way to go out of this room.
Then he heard footsteps approaching the room.He immediately turned into his snake form and hid in the flower vase that was kept beside the bed.
After few seconds the door opened and the king of the place entered the room.
Wei ying was very scared now. He wished that man to leave the room as soon as possible. He remembered his mom telling him that serpents are hunted because they are rare,' does this man also want  to capture me just because I am a serpent.' Then he noticed that king coming near the flower wase.
He was terrified . He turned into a ball hiding his face with his body afraid of what was coming next.

Lan zhan's POV
I was very tensed. I hope that my mate gets well soon. I want to take care of him by myself but I can't go near him. I just hope that he will cooperate with my sister and let her treat his wounds. He looked very innocent. He is so beautiful. I promise mate I will never hurt you. I am very excited to meet you and introduce myself. Let's meet tomorrow. Have a good rest tonight.
I was thinking all this while looking at the sky still sitting on the roof of the mansion.

After almost two hours my sister come out of the mansion.
She flew on the roof and came towards me. I stood up seeing her. She came near and hit my head with her hand.
I glared at her and said in a cold voice," What do mean by this. Why did you hit me.Aren't you afraid you will lose your head."
I said acting like a respectable king.

"My dear king, since you are known for your pure heart you must stand for justice, right. May I ask you why did you hurt my brother in law." She said in a bit angry voice.

" I will explain you,first tell me how is he?"

"He is fine but he was crying asking me take him home to his parents. As for his wounds ,it will heal in one week."

It breaks my heart knowing that he was crying. I really scared him a lot. I will take him to his parents once he is completely healed.
" What are you thinking. Explain me gege. Why did you hurt him. I am telling you gege no one can  hurt my brother in law as long as I am alive. I will kill anyone who dares to do that even if it is you."
I have never seen  her being so protective on anyone. I am really surprised. Well ,why will I hurt my mate?
Death is an easy option. If anyone hurts my mate I will not grant that person death but I will  torture that person forever.
"Why will I hurt my own mate. Do I look like a stupid person to you."

She moved her face close to me and said, "you don't look like a stupid person but actually you are a stupid person."


"Gege your reaction is priceless. I want a camera."

"Stop laughing if want to know what actually happened with your brother in law."
She immediately became quite.
'Wow, she listened to me at once. Seems like my mate had won her heart.'I thought internally. Then I explained her everything.
After being quite for a few moments she spoke.

"Gege don't feel guilty. It is not completely your fault . It is a misunderstanding. Don't worry brother in law will definitely forgive you. Talk to him tomorrow. I will shift him to one of the guest room."
Saying that she went back in the mansion.
I feel a bit revealed listening to her words. That night I didn't felt sleepy so I spend whole night seeing the stars and sitting on the roof in moonlight.
In the morning I was scared as well as excited to meet my mate.
So I went to the guest room where he was sleeping. I  smell his scent from far away. Its so good that I wish to smell it every second of my life forever. I opened the door and entered the room but I found no one there. I was surprised because I could get his smell from the room. Then I realised that my mate is a serpent . Maybe he hid  somewhere because he was scared.
I closed my eyes trying to detect from where the scent was coming. Then I started moving towards the source of scent. I opened my eyes and saw myself in front of the bed. I looked down the bed but there was nothing . Then I noticed that flower in the vase kept beside the bed moved a bit. Now I was sure that my mate was hiding there.
I went towards the vase but then I stopped in the middle. I hurt my mate at our first meeting and now seeing me he must be scared. So to make him comfortable I said," mate don't be scared I won't hurt you. Come out please. I am sorry."

" please come out" I said in a cracked voice. My eyes were becoming teary seeing that my mate doesn't trust me.

After a few minutes I saw a beautiful black and red coming out of the vase. What made me more surprised that my mate was having wings.
" Trust me I won't hurt you from now. " I said looking at my mate who wrapped his body around the flowers as if he was scared to come near me.

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