Lan Xichen

524 44 2

Vampire clan
Author's POV

"You are only mine. Don't you dare have affair with anyone."

Listening these words vampire's happiness was on peak. He was internally celebrating when suddenly his  mate pulled his hair tightly which made the vampire wince in pain.

Lan zhan's vampire,"Aaahhh....mate what are you doing."

Wei ying,"whom are you having affair with.
He said in an dangerous voice.

Vampire was dumbfounded by this behaviour of his mate. He thought that his mate's snake would also be innocent like wei ying is but he was completely proven wrong.

He came out of his thoughts when wei ying slapped his head.
Wei ying' snake," Answer me."

Vampire, "Me...I don't have affair with anyone. Why are you asking such a question mate. You are the only one in my heart."

Wei ying listening this gritted his teeth in anger.
The vampire could not understand why his mate was being so angry.
Then wei ying grabbed his collar tightly and pulled it breaking  first few buttons of his shirt.
The vampire was shocked by this action.
Wei ying himself was shocked. He saw that the red marks near his neck have became very faint.
Wei ying,"what is this? "
Lan zhan's vampire,"what?"
The vampire was very confused now. Then wei ying pointed towards his neck.
Vampire looked down towards his chest as he saw light red marks.
Finally he could understand what his mate was trying to say from a long time.
Vampire,"Mate are you jealous."
Wei ying's snake," I am not jealous. I just wanted to kill the person who was responsible for these marks."

The vampires gulped seeing his mate's possessive attitude.
Vampire,"Mate no need to kill anyone. I just wanted to tease you in front of sister so I just pinched myself hard at few places near my neck. Since my skin is fair so it became red due to pinching it. And my nails also left some marks. You and sister were standing away from the bed so you couldn't recognize these marks."
Vampire explained himself properly thinking that it could calm down his enraged mate but it took opposite effect.
Wei ying," Just to play a joke you did this. You know how much I was hurt thinking that you have affair with someone else."
Wei ying's angry voice was replaced with a broken voice at the last sentence.
Seeing this the vampire felt very guilty. He was about to say something when wei ying interrupted him.
His broken voice was again replaced by angry voice.
Wei ying's snake,"Mate you will be punished for your stupid joke."
Saying this wei ying's snake bit his mate  few places on his neck area which the shirt could not hide digging his teeth deep in his skin .
Shocked and panicked by this action the vampire said,
"Mate what are you doing. I am the alpha I should be the first one to leave bite marks on your body."
Wei ying again grabbed his jaw and said,"You are only mine. I never share what is mine. Remember this mate. "
Lan zhan's vampire smriked and said,"me too."
The vampire felt like he couldn't control himself as he wanted to eat his mate right now.
After biting few times wei ying got off from his mate's body.

There was silence in the room for few minutes as both the people were busy staring at each other.
Suddenly wei ying's snake spoke,
"You smell good."

Vampire, "you can smell me. How is this possible . You are sixteen."

Wei ying,"why can't it be possible when it is possible for me turn into snake at sixteen."
Vampire,"when did you recognize me?."

Wei ying,"  today itself. From the moment I took control. But wei ying will not be able to feel the mate bond yet. "

Vampire, "mate let's have fun."
Wei ying's snake, "how?"

Vampire," turn into your snake form. I will tour you around the whole kingdom."

Wei ying 's eyes lit up listening this . He immediately turned into a baby snake and hid himself in Lan zhan's hairs.
Then Lan zhan's vampire turned himself completely in his form and wings appeared on his back. Then he flew out from his window.

At fox clan
Author's POV
Jiang cheng felt like he will get a heart attack when his father announced that his sister will be engaged in three days.

From that time not one a single minute there was peace in Jiang mansion as Jiang Cheng has been shouting continuously and cursing zixuan.
He was trying his best to stop this engagement. He went to his mother.
Jiang Cheng,"mom."

Yu ziyuan, "what."

Jiang Cheng, "please tell father to cancel the engagement. That jin zixuan  is not right for shijie."
He was expecting some support from his mother but his mother just said one word "no" .
Unable to persuade his mother he went to his shijie.
Cheng, "shijie."

Yanli,"listen Acheng I am not going to cancel the engagement. I told you jin zixuan treats me well. If he does not then I will surely tell you."

Before even he could talk to her shijie he was silenced by his sister's word.
He sighed and went in his room. He went near his bed and started punching the pillow to distract himself. Then he laid on the bed and covered his face with pillow.
"Why everyone wants my shijie to marry that fool. Jin zixuan I hate you." he talked to himself.
After laying down on the bed for few minutes he got a call.
He looked at his phone.
"Huh, why is dad calling"
He picked up the call.
Cheng," hello dad."

Fengmian, "hello son,come to my office. I want  you to attend an important meeting with me."

Cheng," okay dad. Why didn't you informed me about it earlier."

Fengmian,"I didn't had any plan to include  you in the meeting. But your mother called me saying that you making trouble at home so I am asking you to come."

Listening this Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes.

Cheng, "okay, I am coming."
The call ended and Jiang cheng went to change to attend the meeting while cursing zixuan every second.

He arrived at the meeting two minutes late. Everyone was already present there.
Jiang Cheng bowed to them to apologize and took his seat.
The meeting was going well but not for two people who were having difficulty in controlling themselves to run towards each other.

Jiang Cheng took deep breath to calm himself.

'Wow my mate is very handsome. His smell is so addicting. For the first time in life I thank you zixuan for helping me to find my mate.'

While Jiang Cheng was busy in his thoughts he didn't notice the surrounding.
He only came out of his thoughts when someone tapped his shoulder lightly.
He glanced at his mate . All of sudden his mate grabbed the glass of water and spilled the water on one of the member who was sitting nearby.

Seeing this all of them were shocked.
Without saying word his mate went near him and grabbed his hand dragging him out of the meeting hall.

"Hi mate, nice to meet you."
" I am Lan xichen. "

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