No Escape

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Dragon clan
Author's POV
Wei cangse was  confused why this unknown person was calling her mama.She was yearning to hear this word from her son but this stranger kid was calling her mama. Then she felt her shoulder getting wet. Tears fell from Lan zhan's eyes . After two years he was calling someone with this word.

Wei cangse realised that the person was crying. So she slightly pat his head saying," don't cry."

Then Lan zhan took control because he knew that his vampire was not good at handling emotional moments. He immediately broke the hug realising that he was hugging her too tightly.
As Lan zhan broke hug cangse hissed in pain.
Wei cangse was now sure that this person won't hurt her. But she was puzzled why he was calling her mama when she had never met him.
Seeing a confused face Lan zhan realised that he had not introduced himself.
So he said,"I am Lan zhan of vampire clan. Don't worry I am here to take you to vampire clan since your son who is my mate is waiting their for you."

Listening about her son cangse's eyes lit up .She tried to confirm if the person is not joking. She grabbed Lan zhan's hand looking at him with eyes filled of expectations and asked,"really my son is with you .How is he?He is safe,right."

" Your son is safe at my house. Don't worry we need to get out of here fast."Lan zhan said hurriedly.

"Okay" saying this cangse turned into her snake form which was red in colour with wings. Serpents with wings was extremely rare that it was considered extinct.
Lan zhan was not much surprised to see her with wings because he already saw his mate.
He took cangse in a bag and  went out of room cleaning all traces of blood from his body.

All the time cangse was internally thanking god uncountable times for keeping her son safe . She just wished to see her son as soon as possible. She was missing him so much.
After some time she realised how the stranger introduced himself as her son's mate. Then the logic came to her mind why this stranger called her mama. She was very grateful to him for saving their lives. But at the same time she was excited to have a son in law. She always wanted Wei ying to have a brother or a sister. Someone of his age to accompany him. He has been lonely from his childhood. But the death of wei ying's unborn  twin made her traumatized that she never had courage to have another child  because to fear of losing him/her again. But now seeing his mate she was revealed that wei ying will have someone to accompany him ,to protect him, to give him love.
While all these thoughts were in cangse's mind she was losing consciousness. She was exhausted . Slowly her eyes closed. Before losing consciousness she prayed to god to keep her mate and son safe.

Lan zhan went out of the mansion ,took a taxi towards training grounds . He was sure that they won't harm his father
in a way that would lead to permanent injuries because they usually convert serpents into spies. But they would surely torture him to make him agree to work for dragon clan. He reached the training grounds and knocked out one of the guards. Then he changed his dress with the guard.

'The scent on these clothes will help me to disguise for almost 15 minutes. Till that time I must finish my work.'
Lan zhan entered the building with his gun loaded ready to shoot any moment. There were several room. He was completely unaware of the layout of the building. There were CCTV cameras installed everywhere.
' I can't just search the each floor one by one. It will arise suspicion. I don't have that much time also.'
So he arrived to one of the guards and asked," do you know on which floor this person is kept"he said while showing his father's photo.
" why do you wanna know this." The guard asked suspiciously.

"Actually I came from young master's mansion. He send this serpent with me here and told to take this serpent where her mate is kept to train her into a spy." Lan zhan said while showing him a the snake in his bag.

Seeing this the guard believed and told him to follow.
They reached at the topmost floor and then the guard took him in a room.
When Lan zhan entered the room he was saw that there were many serpents tied to chains and being tortured.Then his eyes fell on the person whom he came for. His whole body was covered with blood and bruises.

His eyes were  fixed on his father and the guard noticed him.
" why are you staring at him as if you know him?Let me tell you he is one of the most poisonous serpent here. We have been torturing him from the time we brought him but he doesn't agree to work for us. He is quite tough. We will kill him for his poison if he doesn't agree to work us."
The guard said this to Lan zhan in a voice filled with excitement thinking that the latter one will be happy listening this. But what he didn't knew that he was digging his own grave.

Suddenly the guard felt that a sudden pain in his chest. He looked down and saw a knife stabbed in his chest. Blood came in his mouth and he fell on the ground. Lan zhan was glaring at him with his green eyes. The  guards present there were surprised why one guard killed the other. But when they saw the guard with green eyes they understood that the person was not of dragon clan.

They immediately pointed there guns at him.
Now Lan zhan was at the gunpoint of thirteen people. There was no escape no matter how much the person is powerful.
Then his eyes turned normal. Lan zhan internally cursed his vampire for messing everything.

One of the guards said smirking,
" there's no escape "

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