It's a mess

554 45 7

At wolf clan
Author's POV

Minjue yelled on his phone,"where is my brother? What are you guys doing there?
Bring him back right now."

Guard,"King we were told by young master to wait outside as they don't want us to disturb their party. We have been guarding since last night but young master didn't came out yet."

Minjue, "Have you seen the time now? It's already four a.m . How much they are partying. I don't care what he is doing . Bring him back right now."

Guard,"Yes king."

Call ended.

At mian mian's house

Mian mian"When will he come back.I don't want to get in any trouble."

F1 (friend),"Why did you even accept his proposal mian mian. You know who is his brother. What of he finds the truth. "

F2(friend),"Just call him and ask when he is coming?"

Mian mian,"okay, let me call him."

(The person you are calling is out of network coverage....)
Call ended.

Mian mian,"shit. I can't reach him."

F3(friend),"Just pray that he returns on time. I don't want to be thrown out of this clan because of him."

F1,"neither I want that."

Bang bang bang

Listening to banging sound on the door all the friends panicked.
F1,"mian mian go see who is it?."

Mian mian,"Why me."

F3,"we are in this situation because of you."
Mian mian glared at her friend but then sighed because it was true that she was responsible for it.
Mian mian went near the door before she could see who is it she heard the guards shouting,
"Young master you brother  have asked you to return home. Come out we need to go now."

Listening this all the friends were scared but at the same time relaxed that it was not the king.

"Young master"

"Young master"

While the guards were shouting outside the friends were fighting among themselves about who should answer the guards.

F2,"mian mian respond to them."
Mian mian,"why should i always be the scapegoat."

F3,"You are responsible for it mian mian. Say something otherwise the way they are banging I feel like they will break the door.

F1,"why are you always negative. "

Mian mian,"what kind of friends are you all. Instead of helping me you all are blaming me. I admit that I am responsible but can't you support me."

F2,"we supported you that's why we are in this trouble now."

"Young master"
"Young master respond to us."

F3,"Respond to them fast mian mian."

Main mian was panicking internally ,how should she handle this situation. She harshly grabbed her hair in frustration and looked at her friends with pleading eyes to help her.
Main mian, "okay I will respond to them . But should I say?"

F1,"Tell them that he is drunk."

F2,"Nice excuse, say to them fast mian mian."

Mian mian,"Brothers sorry to disappoint you but huisang is drunk. He can't go with you guys right now. "

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