Leave Him

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At vampire clan
Lan mansion
Author's POV
Wei ying could not understand why her sister was telling her to run.
Shouldn't they look for Lan zhan if he okay or not.
Lan chyou went near wei ying and helped him to remove the piece of glass from his foot. Wei ying hissed in pain.
"Wei ying, turn into your snake form fast. We need to run quickly."

Wei ying,"shijie why do we need to run? This whole place is destroyed. We should look for king if he OK."

Lan chyou,"wei ying, Lan zhan is fine. Don't argue we don't have time. Just do what I say."

Though wei ying was hesitant to leave  he decided to obey his sister.
But maybe there was no time left for them now. The lights of the mansion started to flicker.
Wei ying could not understand what was happening. There was no sign of Lan zhan till now. He was very much worried for him at that time.
Lan chyou was terrified to see flickering lights.
"No ,we are late."
She turned towards the door while grabbing wei ying to rush out of the mansion but she couldn't succeed.
A faint laughter ecoed in the mansion.
Listening to it she became horrified and froze for a moment. Her mind telling her to rush but her body couldn't react to it.
She turned around and saw Lan zhan completely under his vampire's control standing a few meters away from them. His eyes green and fixed at wei ying. His black wings with little shade of dark green were behind his shoulders.
His forehead had a small cut from which blood was flowing making his one cheeks and eye covered with blood. He was having a evil smile on his face.

Wei ying could not stand properly because of the wound on his foot. He was scared to see the lights of the mansion suddenly flickering. Then suddenly his sister grabbed his hand and started rushing towards the door. But then a faint laughter was heard.
They both stopped and then turned around
Seeing Lan zhan wei ying got terrified. With a half blood covered face he looked very scary and the way he was smiling could make anyone tremble.
Though Lan zhan's look scared wei ying but it also made him worried. Seeing his wound wei ying wanted to help him.
"Mate you are hurt."wei ying said in a worried tone.
Wei ying stepped forward to go near his mate but was immediately stopped by his sister.
" wei ying, don't be foolish. It's not Lan zhan but his vampire. Look at his eyes.He is dangerous. "
Wei ying looked at Lan zhan's eyes, then only he realised that he was not Lan zhan.
"Wei ying do as I say. I will stop Lan zhan and you have to run from here. Hide in a safe place . Please Be careful and don't get yourself in any trouble."
Lan chyou stood in front of wei ying while wei ying turned to run away from there. He took a few steps with difficulty since his foot was injured.

Seeing that his mate was trying to run away from him Lan zhan's vampire got angry.
Just as wei ying was about to reach the door Lan zhan lifted his hands and clapped once.
Just then some bulbs of the mansion brusted and all the doors and window of mansion closed by themselves.
Then Lan zhan said in a deep voice,
"Mate welcome back."
Listening this wei ying turned around to face Lan zhan.
He froze at his spot.
Then Lan zhan started moving towards wei ying.
Lan chyou,"Stop there. Don't be foolish let Lan zhan take control."

Lan zhan,"sister, you better don't interfere or don't blame me for hurting you."

He reached near Lan chyou who was still blocking his way.
Lan zhan, "sister you know you can't stop me. "
Lan zhan said while looking at his sister's eyes.
Lan chyou didn't know what to do at that situation. She knew she can't control this aggressive vampire. But still she have to protect his brother no matter what.
Lan chyou," I won't allow you to hurt my brother. "
Lan chyou said while turning into her phoenix form.

Both Lan zhan and chyou started fighting.
Wei ying was terrified seeing them fighting. He wanted to stop them but there was nothing he could. He rushed towards the door and tried to open it but it was no use.
Feeling completely helpless he tried to talk to Lan zhan'
"Lan zhan please stop. Don't hurt shijie."
Suddenly Lan zhan pinned Lan chyou to the ground.Then he started coming towards his mate. Lan chyou struggled to get up but she was forced down by an invisible force.
Lan chyou shouted with all her strength "Gege take control otherwise your vampire will hurt wei ying."
Lan chyou was struggling to break free from the invisible force. Tears started to fell from her eyes.

Lan zhan started moving near wei ying. With each step he took forward wei ying took one step backwards.
Then Lan zhan bent down and touched the blood of his mate on the floor with his two fingers and licked it.
He said while looking at his mate,
Then he straightened himself and went near wei ying.
Seeing this wei ying immediately closed his eyes for a second and his black red wings appeared behind his shoulders. Then he tried to fly away  from there.
At first Lan zhan was shocked to see wings on his mate's shoulders. He wasn't aware of the fact that flying serpents can have there wings in human form.
Then he saw his mate trying to run away from him. He immediately rushed towards him and before wei ying could fly away he held him by his leg and pulled him back to the ground.

Then he pinned his mate  to the ground and got on top of him.
Wei ying was very scared at this moment. He said in a shaking voice,
"Lan zhan please don't hurt me."

His eyes became a bit teary.
"Mate why are scared of me?"Lan Zhan said while caressing wei ying's face.
Then suddenly he pierced his fangs deeply into his mate's neck.
Feeling a sudden pain on his neck wei ying screamed,
" Aahh...Lan zhan please stop it hurts."
Lan zhan could no longer hear his mate. He was yearning for blood from two years.He was finally able to taste blood after so  long.
He fangs went more deeper sucking blood aggressively.
With each minute wei ying was feeling weaker . 

Lan chyou on the other side was seeing all this. She was shouting at Lan zhan to stop it.
She was sure Lan zhan would end up killing wei ying.

Then suddenly the door opened and a voice said ,
"Leave him."

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