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Wolf clan.
Author's POV

Nie huaisang went inside his car and his driver started driving towards mian mian'house.

Two cars of bodyguards were following him from behind.
'I need to get rid of these guards fast.'huaisang said to himself biting his nails. Then he saw a mall on way and an idea came in his mind.
Huaisang,"driver wait near that mall. I want to buy birthday gift."
Driver nodded and stopped the car in front of mall. Huaisang entered and the guards followed him.
'Why are they following me ? I need to get out of their view.'

Then he excused himself for going to washroom.
He entered the washroom and immediately called mian mian.
Mian mian, "Hello, huaisang.

Huaisang," Hello ,mian mian. I need your help. Listen what I am telling you carefully and don't ask questions in between. I came out from my house giving my brother excuse that I am going to attend your birthday party. Now I am coming at your house. Please act in front of my bodyguards like today is your birthday and you are welcoming me. Don't let bodyguards enter your house. I have some work form which I will return by tomorrow morning. So from your house I will escape without the knowledge of bodyguards and tomorrow morning I will return to your house.
Please help me mian mian. Don't say no.

Mian mian,"okay ,I can help you.But if i get caught by your brother you have to take all responsibility. "

Huaisang,"thanks mian mian. You are the best.OK, bye."

Mian mian,"Bye "

Next day
At morning

At Lan mansion
Author's POV
Wei ying woke up in the hospital bed . He saw that his parents were sitting beside the bed looking at him.

Changze, "Good morning son.How are you feeling."

Wei ying,"Papa I am fine."
Wei ying said while his eyes roaming everywhere but not at his parent's face.
Looking that his son was avoiding eye contact cangse cupped her  son's face with her  both hands to make him look at her and asked,
"Son, do you want to say something."

Wei ying was hesitant to face her mother.He was still not looking at her face.
Seeing this behaviour cangse tensed.
Cangse,"son if you have any problem you can share with us."
Wei ying's eyes became teary.
Seeing this his mother panicked . She hugged her lightly.
Cangse, "Baby, what happened, Don't cry. Mama is here. Don't cry.
Then she broke hug and wiped his tears.
Cangse," Baby if you have any problem you can share to mama."

Wei ying,"I am sorry."

Cangse,"For what baby. You did nothing wrong. "

Wei ying,"I came out without permission. "

Cangse,"I don't blame you baby. Neither papa blames you. You deserve to see the world like every child. We are sorry for keeping you away from the world since your childhood."

Listening to her mother's words wei ying immediately looked at her mother to conform if she was joking with him. He was expecting to be scolded by his parents but they didn't even blame him.

Wei ying,"Mama you really don't blame me. "

Cangse, "Hmm, I don't blame you."
Then he turned to his papa and saw him smiling at him.
Then Lan chyou entered the the room with a nurse.
Nurse changed the bandages of cangse and Changze  which were completely hidden by their clothes.
Then only wei ying noticed that his parents were injured. He looked at his parents in horror and asked them,
"Mama ,papa what happened ,why you both are injured."

His parents and Lan chyou mentally slapped themselves for forgetting that wei ying was present in the room.
No one said a word to answer wei ying's questions.

Irritated by the silence wei ying again asked his question in a firm voice,
"Why don't any of you answer my question. Mama , papa tell me what happend?"

"It was my fault." Lan zhan said while entering the room.
Every one turned their head towards the door.
Seeing Lan zhan Wei ying immediately stood up from the bed and went near him.
"Mate are you okay? You were hurt yesterday and your vampire caused a lot of trouble."
Listening the word mate from their son's mouth both cangse and Changze were shocked.
Cangse immediately interrupted her son.
Cangse," son what did you called him?"

Wei ying,"what mom?"

Cangse,"what did you just called the king here."

Wei ying,"I forgot to tell you mom . I have chosen Lan zhan as my mate."
Listening this both changze(father) and cangse(mother) got confused.

Changze,"Son what are you saying ? We can't understand you. What do you mean by you have chosen him as your mate?"

The way in which conversation was going was making Lan zhan internally panic.

Wei ying,"mama why are you talking like this. Shouldn't we choose the person whom we find most handsome or beautiful as our mate."
Wei ying said while looking at his mother innocently.
Cangse, "Who told you about this baby?"

Wei ying,"Mom Lan zhan told me. He has also chosen me as his mate. He said that I am most beautiful person he has ever met.
Mom do you think I am beautiful?"
Wei ying pointed at finger himself while blinking his eyes unconsciously waiting for his mother's answer.
Looking at his mate's cute expression Lan zhan unconsciously said,"yes you are."
Listening this a slight blush appeared on wei ying's cheeks.
Then he heard a giggling sound which was of his sister's and he realised what he said in front of everyone.
Embarrassment could be clearly seen on Lan zhan's face. His ears turned red.
Cangse looked at Lan zhan whose head was down with an amused look.
Then she smriked and said,
"King's you really know how to play with my son's innocent mind."
Wei ying could not understand what her mother meant.
Lan chyou went near her gege and said near his ears,
"Gege you are doomed."
Wei ying could not understand anything what was happening.

Lan zhan couldn't think of an better words other than 'sorry' at that situation.
He bowed down in front of wei ying's parents and said,"sorry".
Seeing this cangse and Changze immediately  asked Lan zhan to straighten himself.
Cangse,"king you don't have to be sorry for this. We were just teasing you. My son will be eventually yours after years. So I don't have any problem with you calling him mate ."

Lan zhan,"thanks m..mothe aunty. "

Cangse,"It's okay king for you to call me mother."
Listening this a bright smile appeared on Lan zhan's face. Unable to control himself Lan zhan immediately hugged his mother and cangse hugged her back. Tears fell from his eyes as he was hugging his mother.
Lan chyou who was looking at them also yearned for that parental affection. She remembered how she was her papa's( Wang yibo 's father) princess when they were alive.
She slowly went near Changze and stood near him .
Changze looked at her and smiled,
"My princess you need a hug."
Listening this chyou's eye lit up .She nodded vigorously and hugged her father tightly.

Wei ying was looking at them feeling wronged how his parents completely forgot about him and were loving his mate and his shijie.

"I never knew that someday I have to share my parents. I can't help it. I am feeling jealous."

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